The main download page shows CBL for iOS has 1.2 as the current version, but after downloading that version the CBLVersion number is “1.2 (unofficial)”
This, combined with the fact that the documentation on the site is still for v1.1, makes me think 1.2 is not really ready for prime time yet.
It sounds like you have stale DerivedData. You might need to force cleanup the intermediate build files before building again. With the Product menu open, hold the Option key down and choose Clean Build Folder…. then select Clean when the dialog pops up.
Then build and run, and hopefully you’ll be on the 1.2 build 112 release binary.
Ok, just cleared my deriveddata, and my xcode cache, created a new project and tried with both the Enterprise and the Community editions, and both return “1.2 (unofficial)”
Check the path of the CouchbaseLite.framework item in the Xcode project, and make sure it’s pointing to the right copy.
Also check the Library Search Paths and Framework Search Paths in your target build settings.
Turns out you’re right, @A_J — sorry we doubted you! There’s an internal build-number constant in the binary that’s supposed to get set when our build server generates a build, but for some reason it’s not getting set. We didn’t catch this during our validation. Thanks for pointing it out.
Anyway, what you have is the official release, so you can go ahead and use it
Even weirder: the build number does get set in the ARM binaries, but not in the x86 binaries. Which explains why Zack saw the correct version string: he tested it on a real iOS device, while the rest of us are looking in the simulator. And probably the last time we QA’d this setting, we also tested on a device.
I know exactly where the problem is now, and I’m fixing it