Is DCP available In .Net SDK?

I know there is a topic has in forum with same title but its created 5 year ago.
I want to know there is any progress for DCP in .net SDK?

Hi @orhan at the moment no. I’d be eager to understand more about what/why you’re looking for. The most common use of DCP (outside of the database itself) is for streaming into Kafka/Spark/ElasticSearch and those all leverage our Java client.

Hi Perry I’m not a java developer so if its posibble I want to use .net option.
I can handle on eventing that send document to elasticsearch.(This is our production project)

But I’m developing a new project that using CB Community so cant use eventing service.
Also I want to change document during to transfer on DCP if its posibble.
Some data getting mssql and I whant to merged them before send to elasticsearch.

Understood. The “transform” part of that will be a bit tougher, but are you able to use our Elastic Search connector? Getting Started | Couchbase Docs

I’ve implemented the ElasticSearch connector in K8S for our infrastructure as a StatefulSet. I gave a presentation on it at Couchbase Connect a couple years ago (second half): Searching Couchbase Data at Scale With Elasticsearch - YouTube

Let me know if you have any questions on that front

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