var cluster = new Cluster(new ClientConfiguration
Servers = new List { new Uri(“http://releasetest1”) }
is what I currently do, I have a test cluster with 4 nodes (2 windows 2 linux) I have 3 nodes running couchbase 6.5 (the last one will be upgraded today) it’s running 5.1)
is it possible to use the cluster name and let couchbase decide which node to access? This way I could take a node down and not worry about the app breaking
otherwise, I’ll store the node to access somewhere and read it that way I can just change the data without having to rebuild the solution
Due to the nature of Couchbase’s architecture, connecting to a cluster always connects to all nodes in the cluster. The list of servers you’re providing for bootstrap is just a list of possible options that the SDK can use to start the process. It randomly tries one, and once successful throws away the list and connects to all the nodes returned from the server. The reason for having a list of nodes is simply for redundancy if a node is down during bootstrap.