Is SSL for CE or just EE?

I’ve read some articles in the forum about secure connectivity but I still have some doubts.

Is SSL protocol for Enterprise Edition or also for Community Edition?
Is there any tutorial/guide/post to explain SSL on Android app?
Is there any tutorial/guide/post to explain SSL on Phonegap app?

I’ve been trying to implement SSL for two days without success.

Hi @javilin, SSL communication for Couchbase Server and some other capabilities are enterprise only. You can find the full list here:

Couchbase Lite and Sync Gateway that are part of the Couchbase Mobile stack is a whole different story. Are you looking for database encryption on the phone or just encrypted communication?

@cihangirb thanks.

I’m looking for a solution to send data securely from a Couchbase Lite database to the Sync Gateway. A database encryption on the phone works but also an encrypted communication. I would chose the easier implementation.

Any guidance or tutorial is appreciated.

I’m doing this with Nginx in front of sync gateway which works fine