I am updating a document named ‘A’ and based on that update some other changes to be done document B so if due to any reason my changes are not successful in ‘B’ document then i want to revert back the update i have done in ‘A’ document. is there anything like versioning or rollback so that i can track the transaction.
Not through N1QL.
You can do through SDK using 6.50 Beta release . Checkout https://blog.couchbase.com/couchbase-brings-distributed-multi-document-acid-transactions-to-nosql/
Completely agree with @vsr1. I also noted you tagged that with .NET. At the moment, we have a Java implementation only. Were you looking to do this from C#? We might want to chat directly about your requirements and timeline.
@ingenthr yes i am looking for transaction rollback functionality using .net SDK (.NET Core). my requirement is that i want to rollback the updates i have made in a document based on the other event success or failure.