Java client to access attachments of couchBase Server

Hello All,
Can anyone please tell me, whether we can acess attchments through Java client fo couchBase Server, ( i.e. Can I have java client, which uploads/retrieve/delete attatchments of couchBase Server )?
I am running with couchBase Server 4.0.

I see following link, which belong to couchBase Lite for the mobile, Can we have same kind of behavior for couchBase Server from java client as well?, your help would be highly appreciated, thanks for your time.

Can anyone please answer, your help would be highly appreciated, thanks for your time.

No we cannot, Couchbase Lite and Couchbase Server are two different things and the API is not the same. Attachments are not actually stored in database AFAIK but rather stored on the filesystem.

Thanks for your reply, can you tell me the best way to store attachments with couchBase Server?, where I need to show with web application, your help would be highly appreciated, thanks for your time.

can you suggest me the best way to store attachments with couchBase Server,your help would be highly appreciated, thanks for your time.

This is not a feature that Couchbase would try to resolve, but more of a generic webapp problem.

You could store the uploaded files in the filesystem (like you would for any other webapp). Of course if you want to run your app in the cloud, then you need an adapted solution… (because apps running in the cloud don’t usually have access to a persistent filesystem).

Couchbase can then store other lighter data (and metadata like the file name, path, tags, whatever…).