Java DCP client is not officially supported

Java DCP client Gihub page states the client is not officially supported and use at own risk.
Can someone share the details of the risk please? We don’t have Kafka and we want connect it via RabbitMQ for simple eventing.

It simply means that you won’t be able to open a ticket to Couchbase Support if you find an issue or want to request a new feature, even though the project is currently maintained by some couchbase employees


@bdarwin The curl() capability of Couchbase Eventing may be of interest to you. You can possibly access RabbitMQ HTTP endpoints from inside Couchbase by writing a Couchbase event handler. I’m not certain if this is a fit as I don’t know the details of your use case, but just wanted to crosslink this feature in case it is of interest.

We’re also working on a more robust solution to allow pushing events happening in Couchbase to the outside world in future releases.


@bdarwin as @Siri points out you can use curl() a more detailed step by step guide can be found at External REST via cURL GET if you are familiar with Eventing.