I am trying to update some Java SDK 2.7 code to 3.3. I have a method which will write (or edit, or delete) an arbitrary value at an arbitrary path inside a document. However, I cannot get array paths to work in SDK 3.3.
Here is my code:
Collection collection = bucket.defaultCollection();
List specs = new ArrayList<>();
// there’s a loop here but let’s consider a single path
specs.add(MutateInSpec.upsert(“myArray[0]”, “someNewValue0”).createPath());
MutateInOptions options = MutateInOptions.mutateInOptions()
.storeSemantics(StoreSemantics.UPSERT) ;
// note: for delete or upsert with CAS value I use StoreSemantics.REPLACE
collection.mutateIn(“MY::DOCUMENT::ID”, specs, options);
I try this with this example document. Goal is to change the first value in this array (I could live with a case where the value is inserted before the existing element, or if the existing element is replaced. Either is actually fine in my use case. I just need to know what it will do.)
“myArray”: [ “someOldValue0”]
com.couchbase.client.core.error.CouchbaseException: Unexpected SubDocument response code {“completed”:true,
(some fields cut out here)
“errorCode”:{“description”:“Subdoc: Some (or all) commands failed. Inspect payload for details”,“name”:“SUBDOC_MULTI_PATH_FAILURE”},“opaque”:“0x84c”,“scope”:“_default”,“type”:“kv”,“vbucket”:723},“status”:“SUBDOC_FAILURE”,“subdocStatus”:“PATH_INVALID”,“timeoutMs”:2500,“timings”:{“dispatchMicros”:58390,“encodingMicros”:542445,“totalDispatchMicros”:58390,“totalServerMicros”:0,“totalMicros”:798528,“serverMicros”:0}
The “remove” operation actually works:
Only upsert fails.