JIRA registration/reset links broken

I was asked to file an issue over at http://issues.couchbase.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa but it got autocompleted with my forum password at first and I couldn’t login. I did track down a much older password that worked, but in the process I noticed that both the “Register for couchbase.org?” and “Forgot password?” options just take me back to this forum, instead of anything JIRA-specific. Figured I’d mention this in case it’s a bug preventing others from using it.

if I’m not mistaken, the username you use on the forums is also the one you can use for Jira access.

That’s correct. There is an SSO migration we’re in the middle of and it may be necessary to re-sign in until we get it fixed, but it will work if you use your username (not email address) and password.