Hey I am working with this query and trying to get some direction on what and how would be the best way to execute my need. I referenced this post SELECT 2 ARRAY_AGG in 1 query. I am trying to do something similar I want to nest a couple of objects. Currently I have this doc once I perform the query against couchbase.
“HS”: [
“date”: “2019-03-15”,
“iC”: [
“cnts”: 6,
“hs”: “01”
“totalAC”: 6,
“totalDmn”: 30
“date”: “2019-03-16”,
“iC”: [
“cnts”: 1,
“hs”: “01”
“cnts”: 1,
“hs”: “02”
“cnts”: 1,
“hs”: “03”
“totalAC”: 3,
“totalDmn”: 13
“WW”: [
“CWAC”: [
“SW”: “10.00.00 12.00.00”,
“tCT”: “02”,
“wCnt”: 2
“SW”: “10.00.00 14.00.00”,
“tCT”: “02”,
“wCnt”: 1
“SW”: “13.00.00 17.00.00”,
“tCT”: “02”,
“wCnt”: 1
“SW”: “14.00.00 16.00.00”,
“tCT”: “02”,
“wCnt”: 2
“date”: “2019-03-15”
“CWAC”: [
“SW”: “1200 1600”,
“tCT”: “02”,
“wCnt”: 1
“SW”: "14.00.00 ",
“tCT”: “00”,
“wCnt”: 1
“SW”: "21.00.00 ",
“tCT”: “00”,
“wCnt”: 1
“date”: “2019-03-16”
Here is the query I am using:
(SELECT d.date AS date, SUM(d.cnts) AS totalAC, SUM(d.dmn) as totalDmn, ARRAY_AGG({d.hs, d.cnts}) AS iC
FROM d1.hS AS d GROUP BY d.date ORDER BY d.date) AS HS,
(SELECT d.date AS date, ARRAY_AGG({d.tCT,d.SW, d.wCnt}) as CWAC
FROM d1.times AS d GROUP BY d.date ORDER BY d.date) AS WW
(SELECT t.hs, t.date, SUM(t.cnts) AS cnts, SUM(t.dmn) as dmn FROM t1.data AS t GROUP BY t.hs, t.date) AS hS,
(SELECT t.date as date, t.tCT, t.sW || " " || CASE WHEN t.eW
END as SW, COUNT(t.sW) as wCnt FROM t1.data AS t GROUP BY t.date, t.tCT, t.sW, t.eW) as times
LET data = (SELECT t.sAN AS acct, t.mD as date, t.hSC AS hs, t.dim as dmn, t.cd as tCT,
t.sT as sW, t.eT as eW, COUNT(1) AS cnts
WHERE t.sAN IN [“test”]
AND t.mD BETWEEN “2019-03-01” AND “2019-03-25”
GROUP BY t.mD, t.dim, t.sAN, t.hSC, t.cd, t.sT, t.eT
) ) AS t1
) AS d1 ;
I would want the data to be in this format ideally:
“HS”: [
“date”: “2019-03-15”,
“iC”: [
“cnts”: 6,
“hs”: “01”
“WW”: [
“tCT”: “02”,
“CWAC”: [
“SW”: “10.00.00 12.00.00”,
“wCnt”: 2
“SW”: “10.00.00 14.00.00”,
“wCnt”: 1
“SW”: “13.00.00 17.00.00”,
“wCnt”: 1
“SW”: “14.00.00 16.00.00”,
“wCnt”: 2
“totalAC”: 6,
“totalDmn”: 30
“date”: “2019-03-16”,
“iC”: [
“cnts”: 1,
“hs”: “01”
“cnts”: 1,
“hs”: “02”
“cnts”: 1,
“hs”: “03”
“WW”: [
“tCT”: “02”,
“CWAC”: [
“SW”: “1200 1600”,
“wCnt”: 1
“tCT”: “01”,
“CWAC”: [
“SW”: "14.00.00 ",
“wCnt”: 1
"tCT": "00",
"CWAC": [
"SW": "21.00.00 ",
"wCnt": 1
"totalAC": 3,
"totalDmn": 13
Initially I was trying to nest the ARRAY_AGG(t.tCT, “xxx”:ARRAY_AGG({x,y})) but this did not work as i referenced in the other forum post. What I am trying to do now is a join on the two subqueries as they both have date fields, but when I do that is says something as an error related to the key space.
Any ideas on how to do this either this or anther way?