Join two types document in View

Hi ,
I have two ( or more) types of document, one for Account info like


and next for transaction like


now how can i create view to find any account’s transaction and also the summary of account’s transactions?

many thanks.

You cannot perform JOINs using Views.

maybe you can use map/reduce to join two types document in View.
FYI (P17)

Hi man,
I read documents and try below code but i encountered

Syntax error in the map function of the view `SubBa_Transactions’: SyntaxError: Unexpected token function (line 8:0)


  if (doc.From_Account) {
  } else if (doc.BankName && doc.BankCode) {
function(keys, values, rereduce) {
  var BName
  var BCode
  var To_Credit=0
  if (rereduce) {
    for (var i=0;i<values.length;i++) {
      if (BankName) {  BName=BankName } 
      else if (BankCode) {BCode=BankCode } 
      else { To_Credit+=parseInt(doc.Transfered_Credit) }

coucl you please guide me?


you can write map function and reduce function in Couchbase admin console.[quote=“vhp1360, post:4, topic:9951”]
SyntaxError: Unexpected token function (line 8:0)

reduce function should not in map function.
I think the best way to join two type document is using N1QL.

i tried that here

regarding [quote=“atom_yang, post:5, topic:9951”]
I think the best way to join two type document is using N1QL.

as you know, View has himself index and i guessed it is more faster than N1ql, is not it?

Map function should be in the left. and reduce function should be in the right.


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