Joining two documents


I need to join two documents below :

Doc 1

"emp" :    {
		"empId" : 123


Doc 2

 "address" : {
			"empId" : 456


I need the resultant document as below


"emp" : {
		"empId" : 123

"address" : {
			"empId" : 456


I tried the below query

Select b.emp,b.address from Bucketname b
JOIN b.emp e on keys meta(b).id
JOIN b.address a on keys meta(b).id
where e.empId in [123] OR a.empId in [456]

which gives


"emp" : {
		"empId" : 123


"address" : {
			"empId" : 456


but is not what I need. Could somebody please help me out?

To JOIN documents in N1QL, one document must contain or produce the primary key of the other document.

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