When I add this jar to kafka connect doesn’t appear Sink Connector component, Is there another option to download it?
I changed it to 4.1.8.jar to use it. However, its seems strange to me because the documentation at Introduction | Couchbase Docs mentioned that " The Couchbase Kafka connector is a plug-in for the Kafka Connect framework. It provides source and sink components."
I’m, not sure if I made a mistake by loading the connector into kafka connect.
Thank you, any advice or correction would be so helpful.
That might have worked with the 3.x versions of the connector, but in version 4 we changed how the connector is packaged. Instead of a single “uber-JAR”, the connector is now packaged as a Confluent Hub component. You can still install the connector in other Kafka distributions, though!
You’ll most likely want to unzip couchbase-kafka-connect-couchbase-4.2.2.zip and put the resulting directory inside one of the directories named in your Kafka Connect plugin.path.
Looks like you’re using Debezium? I’m not a Debezium expert, but I think the Confluent instructions might be essentially the same as the Debezium-specific instructions here: Installing Debezium :: Debezium Documentation
If you need more help installing the connector into Debezium, maybe someone in the Debezium Community can offer you some advice.
I use the .zip that comes from Confluent and then I copied into kafka connect on the plugin path, but I don’t see any diferences just the source connector doesn’t exist or I can’t see it (Only sink connector) and now I’m using 4.2.3.
It was necessary to create folder kafka-connect-couchbase into /kafka/connect.
I don’t make any change on plugin.path of config file connect-*.properties. I just modified my docker file the next commands. So, In this way the CouchbaseSourceConnector class it will be able to see on the connector plugins.
RUN mkdir -p /kafka/connect/kafka-connect-couchbase
COPY lib/ /kafka/connect/kafka-connect-couchbase/