Not sure if this is what you mean, anyway, I just imported couchbase lite (based from the documentation on installing couchbase). Since i’m developing using ios swift, import is in my bridging header…
It’s odd that you are not linking with the CouchbaseLite.framework file in the image you showed. How are you accessing any of the Couchbase Lite API otherwise? I think you may have added libsqlcipher.a to a different target by mistake than the project you are building that uses Couchbase Lite.
The version on Cocoapods forces linking to sqlite3 instead of sqlcipher (and for some reason it does it in a way that I can’t seem to stop). Since you’ve already downloaded the SDK anyway, forget CocoaPods and just link directly to the CouchbaseLite.framework and libsqlcipher.a that is included in the SDK. Alternatively, find someone who knows about CocoaPods to tell you how to make it stop forcing that linker flag (removing from the xcconfig file does not seem to be enough).
Pasin’s suggestion worked for me. Be sure to clean your project. If that doesn’t work try creating the project again maybe. That call you mentioned is not for iOS, it is for .NET (as noted by the fact that it is under the “Windows” heading)