Do I need to Pay in order to use and install Enterprise Edition in Production? .i.e. Can I use Enterprise Edition without going for “Paid annual subscriptions” ?
What is the latest Stable Version available for Enterprise and Community Edition?
I would like to join @ThamaraikannanS with his question. There’s nothing on Couchbase Server Editions | Couchbase Docs (for example) that says clearly something along the lines of “You should be a paid subscriber to be allowed to use Enterprise Edition on production.”
Please confirm if using Enterprise Edition on production, commercially, is not free and requires paid subscription. Or vice versa, we can use EE on production for free without requirement to be paid support subscribers.
Hi @dennis, @ThamaraikannanS, Yes, we confirm using Enterprise Edition on production, commercially, is not free and requires paid subscription. However, using Enterprise Edition for evaluation purposes (development & testing), non commercial, is free and does not require paid subscription.
This FAQ page ( mentions that Enterprise edition on 2 production nodes are allowed in question “Is Couchbase Server free or do you need licenses?”