Logs are mis-behaving

I am running Couchbase Enterprise Server 4.5.1 on a three-node cluster. The architecture is as follows :

OS - Red Hat Enterprise 7.2
Arch - x64

Now, the issues that are prevalent are as following :-

  1. I am not finding any relevant info in log files. Even when I am performing a successful query through either the Web UI or through the cbq shell, the query or operation is not being logged into the system logs.

  2. I am also working on an integration between Couchbase Cluster with IIB (IBM Integration Bus) v9. The IIB team is trying to get the data from our cluster through REST APIs. As a stepping stone, when they perform the CRUD operations, they are able to retrieve the data and delete info from the buckets. But they are not able to perform the INSERT / UPDATE operation.
    Moreover, irrespective of whether the IIB team is able to perform the CRUD operation successfully or not, it is not being logged into the log files. Since, if they are able to perform SELECT / DELETE operation, then it must come under the “http_access.log” file and when they are unable to perform the INSERT / UPDATE operation, then it should be logged under error.log; which is not happening.

How to move on with this topic ?