Hey guys,
just started with couchbase a couple of days ago and I’m really enjoying it, so thanks for that
I’m building an intranet using vue.js.
I really like the idea of lookup document and everything works so far, only that I’m not able to use bucket.insert from Node SDK to create a pure string document problem seems to be JSON.stringify which the sdk uses internally as far as I understood?
Because when I enter a string (in this case I’m passing a variable containing a string) the document ends up as binary, how can I store it as normal human readable string?
using the couchbase ui in the browser I’m able to enter a string in quotes like “user::1”
my workaround for now is to wrap the string in square brackets so it’s a json compatible array
but then I have to get it by referencing the first index…
so it seems to work now…updated node sdk from 2.2.2 to 2.3.3…not sure if it works because of the update or i might did anything wrong…but now it works
though still bucket.insert stores the string as binary…but i can compare it using bucket.get’s result.value