Monitoring the sync_gateway through couchnode

Is it possible to monitor the Sync Gateway change log through the node sdk?

I am developing a mobile application where I want to enrich documents submitted to the couchbase server by the client through some server side process. This involves being able to monitor the documents that have changed, pull them out of couchbase, add the enrichment and push them back into couchbase via the sync_gateway.

I appreciate that I can just poll the sync gateway’s _changes endpoint through node.js but if something has already been written I’d rather use it.



Hey sgmccli,

The Node.js SDK is intended to be used with Couchbase Server and is unable to directly communicate with Sync Gateway. However, you are able to use the Sync Gateway REST API and monitor the changes URI yourself.

Cheers, Brett

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Thanks Brett,

That is what I have now done.


Hi sgmccli ,
I am new to couch base, I wrote the rest api’s by using couch base server with Node sdk. Now I want to sync the total data by using Node.js with couch base sync Gateway, please help me how to do it.Thanks

@mahesh I would start by checking out the Sync Gateway docs (maybe start here: Couchbase Capella for Mobile Developers)

If you have a specific question about Sync Gateway, it might be worth posting in the Mobile forum: Mobile - Couchbase Forums