I have setup a Couchbase Community Server 4.5.1 (Linux Debian jessie) with a couchbase bucket named “btest” on standard port 11211 (with password “mypass”, as it seems that Dedicated port are deprecated…).
Now I am trying to setup moxi in order to access my bucket using a simple memcached protocol.
I want moxi to run on localhost too (for testing purpose), on port 11212.
moxi is not very well documented I think, and I am not sure how to setup moxi for my use case…
If I run moxi like this:
./moxi -z 11212=localhost:11211
I logically receive an “auth_error” as I didn’t specify the bucket password.
~# telnet 11212
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
set key 0 900 4
SERVER_ERROR a2b auth_error
How can I specify the couchbase bucket password in the moxi configuration flags?
The only way to make it work for me was to specify the “Administrator” user using a http/rest-based url:
Thank you for your reply and the moxi guide link.
l will read it in more detail.
However, this does not seems very up-to-date. Download link is broken (I was looking for a moxi stand-alone debian package) and documentation refers to moxi v2.5 when latest moxi release is v4.6.2 (according to github repository).
There’s virtually no difference between moxi v2.5 and v4.6.2 - it’s essentially been in maintenance mode for a long time; the version update it just to match the rest of Couchbase Server version. That documentation is still up-to-date.
I am looking to install moxi on Linux Debian 7+ (Wheezy, Jessie and Stretch).
And I find it a bit cumbersome to install the whole couchbase-server package on my PHP web servers to use the only moxi binary.
In addition, an init.d or systemd configuration file is missing, which must be built manually for moxi.
For the full story, I do not use a smart couchbase client (that’s why I think I need the moxi proxy) because I want to use the “memcached” PHP save_handler for storing PHP Sessions in a Couchbase cluster. But tell me If I am on the wrong way
Thanks for the link to moxi-server Debian package !
Implementing a custom PHP session handler using the PHP Couchbase library can be an option, you’re right. But I liked the idea of a completely code-independent solution…
how do you find those new moxi releases? Is this enterprise only as I am not able to browse for moxi releases under the url packages.couchbase.com.
I would need a latest version for centos 7.