Based on a old post of mine [Old Post] (Dynamic way ofSubDoc Operations)on how I can pass dynamically a list of multiple subdoc upserts to couchbase mutateIn function. Tried to make it work with JavaScript SDK 3.1.2 with no luck.
The errors i am getting are
TypeError: mutator.arrayAppend is not a function
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined
Not sure what I am missing here ?
Just as side node the code is written in typescript…
export interface IdocArray {
path: string,
doc: string
const multiUpsertSubDoc = async (collectId: string, id: string ,docArray: Array<IdocArray>) => {
try {
let couchCollect = collectionWithName(collectId)
const mutator = couchCollect.mutateIn(id)
for(let i=0; i < docArray.length; i++){
mutator.arrayAppend(docArray[i].path, docArray[i].doc )
let result = await mutator.execute()
return {id, result}
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof couchbase.DocumentExistsError) {
console.log("Document does not Exists")
return {id, error}