N1QL and existing views


Currently, N1QL looks like a language exploiting CB views under the hood.

Is it possible to use existing views with N1QL?

As you know, indices are expensive to create and maintain. I would like to try N1QL on my existing databases (230M+ documents, 360+ GB) and exploit their views.

Is there a way to do this?

Conversely, if I use N1QL indices in lieu of views, can I query them using existing Client SDKs? (In my case, I would use the Python SDK.)



To your second question, the answer is yes. N1QL-created views can be accessed via the client SDK and the REST API.

To your second question, it depends on the existing views. If the view has a map function that emits a field and a document id, and the view has no reduce, then it may be usable. The view’s name would also need to match the convention that N1QL uses internally to identify indexes.
