Below is my use case:
I have documents in the structure shown below:
Doc 1:
“id”: “014dee77-c99e-4b02-8a5d-956bf72751ef”,
“country”: “UK”,
“typeId”: 1234,
“saleswovat”: 4315.09
Doc 2:
“id”: “014dee77-c99e-4b02-8a5d-956bf72751ef”,
“country”: “UK”,
“typeId”: 1234,
“saleswovat”: 4315.09
Doc 3:
“id”: “014dee77-c99e-4b02-8a5d-956bf72751eg”,
“country”: “US”,
“typeId”: 1234,
“saleswovat”: 4315.09
And I want to aggregate the data from the documents - Group the documents by country and so SUM aggregation on the “saleswovat” and return the result as below
When I try running the following query:
@Query("SELECT country, SUM(saleswovat) as sales FROM #{#n1ql.bucket} where typeId= $1 group by country")
I get the following error:
CouchbaseQueryExecutionException: Unable to retrieve enough metadata for N1QL to entity mapping, have you selected _ID and _CAS
To fix this I added the following to the query:
@Query("SELECT META().id AS _ID, META().cas AS _CAS, country, SUM(saleswovat) as sales FROM #{#n1ql.bucket} where typeId= $1 group by country")
Then I get the following error:
org.springframework.data.couchbase.core.CouchbaseQueryExecutionException: Unable to execute query due to the following n1ql errors:
{“msg”:“Expression (meta().id
) must depend only on group keys or aggregates.”,“code”:4210}
Then I did the following:
@Query("SELECT META().id AS _ID, META().cas AS _CAS, country, SUM(saleswovat) as salesWoVat FROM #{#n1ql.bucket} where holdingkey= $1 group by country, meta().id AS _ID, meta().cas AS _CAS")
But this group data on id level, so instead of getting 1 document with the aggregated sum, I get multiple documents.
Can someone suggest a way through which this can be done