I’m seeing inconsistent selects when using n1ql
Running the following query, something very similar to it, since I removed some identifying information from type
Select Meta(b).id from DefaultBucket b where uri= “http://integrationtest.test” and userIdentifier = “99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999” and type = “Test.Testing.Test.Tests.TestEntity”
Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. Feels like a race condition of some sort, only because running the test without a debugger and it usually fails, sometimes multiple times in the same test. Running it with the debugger and it seems to mostly pass.
The query works in CBQ, and I can see a document that matches the data I am selecting on.
I am basically doing an upsert, then a remove, followed by another select. Its failing to remove the object correctly.