With MERGE Statement, Will i be able to make multiple updates to the same document?
e.g: MERGE INTO target d
USING (select “Customer::”|| l.client doc_id, l.* from source l where meta(l).id like “ClientAddress::%”) s on key s.doc_id
d.addresses = OBJECT_PUT(d.addresses, s.zipcode,{
“line1”: s.line1,
“line2”: s.line2,
“state”: s.state,
“zipcode”: s.zipcode
Here, using multiple ClientAddress documents in thw source, i want to update the same Client document. But When i run this query, I am getting the following error
“code”: 5320,
“msg”: “Multiple UPDATE/DELETE of the same document (document key ‘Customer::490’) in a MERGE statement”
I know that will avoid the error. But i want data from hoth the customeraddress documents to be available in the customer document. Consider that each address has different zipcode.
Target table document can’t be updated twice in same statement. You need to do in one operation.
MERGE INTO target d
USING (SELECT "Customer::"|| l.client AS doc_id, ARRAY_AGG({l.line1, l.line2, l.state, l.zipcode}) AS doc
FROM source AS l
WHERE META(l).id LIKE "ClientAddress::%"
GROUP BY "Customer::"|| l.client
) AS s
ON KEY s.doc_id
UPDATE SET d.addresses = OBJECT_CONCAT(IFMISSINGORNULL(d.addresses,{}), OBJECT v.zipcode: v FOR v IN s.doc END);