Hi all,
.Net CouchbaseClient 3.1.1
Couchbase Server 6.0.3
We’re having trouble using Named Parameters in N1QL queries for queries regarding nested arrays.
This is an example of a query we can use that works in the Couchbase Query editor:
This is an example of the document we are querying:
{ "id": 1234, "supplierKey": [ { "supplier": "Wholesome Fruit Company", "supplierKey": "WFC" }, { "supplier": "Oranges 'R' Us", "supplierKey": "ORU" } ] }
Example Query:
select id from `Documents` where any sk in supplierKeys satisfies [sk.supplier, sk.supplierKey] in [['Wholesome Fruit Company', 'WFC'], ['Something else', 'SME']] end
((distinct (array [(sk
), (sk
)] forsk
end))) WITH { “defer_build”:true }
The query we want to run will allow us to get the ids of any documents that satisfy the condition that the supplierKey contains at least one specified combination of supplier/supplierKey.
Currently, we can run N1QL queries successfully by constructing the various parameters via string interpolation like so:
var queryResult = await _cluster.QueryAsync<SupplierMapping>($@" select id, supplierKeys from `Documents` where any sk in supplierKeys satisfies [sk.supplier, sk.supplierKey] in {str} end ");
str = "[['Wholesome Fruit Company', 'WFC'], ['Something else', 'SME']]"
But similar to SQL, we would like to use named parameters instead of string interpolation (As a best practice, To avoid N1QL injection if that’s possible):
var queryResult = await _cluster.QueryAsync<MasterIdsSupplierMapping>(@" select id from `Documents` where any sk in supplierKeys satisfies [sk.supplier, sk.supplierKey] in $couchbaseSupplierKeys end ", options => options.Parameter("$couchbaseSupplierKeys", couchbaseSupplierKeys));
couchbaseSupplierKeys = new List<SupplierKeyPair> { new SupplierKeyPair { Supplier = "Wholesome Fruit Company", SupplierKey = "WFC" }, new SupplierKeyPair { Supplier = "Something else", SupplierKey = "SME" } }; public class SupplierKeyPair { public string Supplier { get; set; } public string SupplierKey { get; set; } }
However this throws an InternalCouchbaseError when executed.
Can parameters be used in this way, if not is there a way to use parameters in the way we are attempting?
Otherwise, is it ‘safe’ to use string interpolation to construct our N1QL queries?