N1QL on Windows not working with Internal Error

Latest Couchbase server installed and tested working for inserts from a test Node.js script.

Now I’m trying to run queries with N1QL.

I’ve extracted the N1QL Developer Preview 3 to c:\developer_preview_3 and can successfully run the tutorial.

I then close the tutorial command prompt (necessary to free up the port 8093) and open another command prompt and run cbq-engine in it like:

C:\couchbase_dev_preview_3>cbq-engine -couchbase http://localhost:8091/

I then open another command prompt to run cbq and I get the following results:

CBQ> SELECT * FROM beer-sample
            "caller": "view_index:200",
            "code": 5000,
            "key": "Internal Error",
            "message": "Bucket beer-sample not found."
CBQ> SELECT * FROM notrealbucket
            "caller": "standard:69",
            "cause": "Bucket notrealbucket does not exist",
            "code": 5000,
            "key": "Internal Error",
            "message": "Optimizer Error"

So I get an internal error that says “not found” for a bucket at does in fact exist, and an internal error that says “Optimizer Error” for a bucket that does not exist.

Also, errors are printed out on my running cbq-engine process:

C:\couchbase_dev_preview_3>cbq-engine -couchbase http://localhost:8091/
04:51:31.720722 Info line disabled false
04:51:31.742723 tuqtng started...
04:51:31.743723 version: v0.7.2
04:51:31.745723 site: http://localhost:8091/
04:51:47.468638 ←[31mERROR: Unable to access view - cause: error executing view req at 400 Bad Request -
 {"error":"bad_request","reason":"_all_docs is no longer supported"}
←[0m←[2m -- couchbase.(*viewIndex).ScanRange() at view_index.go:186←[0m
04:51:47.469638 Checking bucket URI: /pools/default/buckets/beer-sample?bucket_uuid=27e71c5f06fea74e37ef2c1501a0ffe2
04:51:47.470639 ←[31mERROR: Get /pools/default/buckets/beer-sample?bucket_uuid=27e71c5f06fea74e37ef2c1501a0ffe2: unsupported protocol scheme ""←[0m←[2m -- couch
base.(*viewIndex).ScanRange() at view_index.go:192←[0m

So what’s going on here?

Additionally, when attempting to do an N1QL query from a Node.js app (via couchnode), I get the following error thrown upon attempting to execute a (simple) query which can be found below this error printout:

                                        throw err; //@TODO
Error: lcb error undefined
    at Bucket._invoke (C:\git\7\node_modules\couchbase\lib\bucket.js:709:25)
    at Bucket._maybeInvoke (C:\git\7\node_modules\couchbase\lib\bucket.js:726:10)
    at Bucket.query (C:\git\7\node_modules\couchbase\lib\bucket.js:617:10)
    at Bucket.<anonymous> (C:\git\7\savetodb.js:36:18)
    at Bucket.emit (events.js:117:20)
    at Bucket.<anonymous> (C:\git\7\node_modules\couchbase\lib\bucket.js:178:10)

The code I use to execute the query is:

		var query1 = N1qlQuery.fromString("SELECT 'Hello World' AS Greeting");
			function(err, arrMessageHighestUID) {

				if (err) {
					console.log("\n\n***Error in function(err, objMessageHighestUID)...\n\n");
					throw err; //@TODO

Is the problem I’m having with my code’s query the same problem I’m having with CBQ?

  • Austin

Hi, I’ll start with basics: do you have the beer-sample bucket installed? you can go to localhost:8091 > under data buckets tab to check to see if beer sample is created and is healthy (green)

Hi neatcode,
For the error you described - “Bucket beer-sample not found” -
Try this:

From the instructions in the N1QL page :
Step 5: Before issuing queries against a Couchbase bucket,
run the following command from the query command line:


In your case this would be:

That fixed it for CBQ, and I can now query beer-sample using N1ql in CBQ.

However, I still cannot perform N1ql queries from my Node.js application (although I can do standard inserts). The following error is produced:

C:\git\7>node savetodb.js

Couchbase Connected

***Error in function(err, objMessageHighestUID)...

                                        throw err; //@TODO
Error: lcb error undefined
    at Bucket._invoke (C:\git\7\node_modules\couchbase\lib\bucket.js:709:25)
    at Bucket._maybeInvoke (C:\git\7\node_modules\couchbase\lib\bucket.js:726:10)
    at Bucket.query (C:\git\7\node_modules\couchbase\lib\bucket.js:617:10)
    at Bucket.<anonymous> (C:\git\7\savetodb.js:36:18)
    at Bucket.emit (events.js:117:20)
    at Bucket.<anonymous> (C:\git\7\node_modules\couchbase\lib\bucket.js:178:10)

My code is:

var config = {
    connstr : "http://localhost:8091",
    bucket : 'beer-sample',
    "operationTimeout": 5000,
    "queryhosts": ""

… and …

var cb = new couchbase.Cluster(config.connstr);
var bucketMessages = cb.openBucket(config.bucket);

bucketMessages.on('connect', function(err) {
	if(err) {
		console.error("Failed to connect to cluster: " + err);

	var query1 = N1qlQuery.fromString("SELECT * FROM beer-sample LIMIT 2");
		function(err, arrMessageHighestUID) {

			if (err) {
				console.log("\n\n***Error in function(err, objMessageHighestUID)...\n\n");
				throw err; //@TODO

Ok figured out that problem.




var bucketMessages = cb.openBucket(config.bucket);

in the code I posted. This eliminated the “lcb” error and allowed me to perform N1ql queries.

Is this bucket.enableN1ql("") function documented anywhere other than being buried in the API Reference?

Hey neatcode,

Please ensure you are using the latest Node.js SDK and have properly established a bucket connection prior to querying. The error you are encountering indicates that a connection could not be established with the cluster.

Cheers, Brett


I am using the latest Node.js SDK and was properly connected to the cluster fine before querying and verified this by successfully doing inserts on the bucket.

The error was triggered when I wasn’t using .enableN1ql() on the bucket, which seems to be only mentioned (buried) in the API Reference. After I added .enableN1ql("") to the bucket, the lcb error you are talking about went away.

– Austin

Hey neatcode,

This is remarkably odd as the N1QL querying system does not actually use libcouchbase whatsoever! I appologize for any confusion, and I hope to be able to remove the necessity of enableN1ql soon!

Cheers, Brett