N1Ql Performance issue on Large Query's

I am having some serious performance issues on my initial data query. When the user loads the data for the grid there is no filters applied if he didn’t save any previously which causes the data to load slowly. Even so i use a limit of 100 records to return it takes almost 3 sec for the first 100 to show up. Hope there is a way to get this sub 1 Sec…

This is what my query looks like

WITH tracknames AS (
 FROM Contacts AS t
UNNEST t.tract_id AS track_id
WHERE t._type ="tract_info")
meta(f).id as DocId,
SUBSTR(f.Record.apn,0,3) || "-" || SUBSTR(f.Record.apn,3,3) || "-" || SUBSTR(f.Record.apn,6,2) as apn,
f.Record.Owners.owner1FName  || IFMISSINGORNULL((CASE WHEN (LENGTH(f.Record.Owners.owner1SpouseFName) > 0) THEN " & " || f.Record.Owners.owner1SpouseFName || " "    ELSE " " END),  " ") || f.Owners.owner1LName as owner_1,
TRIM(f.Record.Owners.owner2FName || IFMISSINGORNULL((CASE WHEN (LENGTH(f.Record.Owners.owner2SpouseFName) > 0) THEN " & " || f.Record.Owners.owner1SpouseFName || " "
 ELSE " " END),  " ") || f.Record.Owners.owner2LName) as owner2,
 ARRAY { CASE WHEN v.type IS NOT MISSING  THEN lower(v.type)
 ELSE "default"
 CASE WHEN LENGTH(v. \`number\`) = 10 THEN  "(" || SUBSTR(v.\`number\` , 0,3) || ") " || SUBSTR(v.\`number\` , 3,3) || "-" || SUBSTR(v.\`number\` , 6,4)
  v.\`number\` END } FOR v IN f.Record.phones END  AS phones,
ARRAY {CASE WHEN v.type IS NOT MISSING  THEN lower(v.type) ELSE "default" END :v.\`address\`} FOR v IN f.Record.emails END AS emails,
  f.Record.PropertyAddress.streetName || IFMISSINGORNULL(" " || f.Record.PropertyAddress.streetType, "") || IFMISSINGORNULL(" " || f.Record.PropertyAddress.streetSuffix, "") AS streetName,
FIRST v.name FOR v IN tracknames WHEN v.track_id = f.Record.tract END AS tract_name,
f.Record.mailingAddress.address || " " || f.Record.mailingAddress.city || " " ||
   f.Record.mailingAddress.state || " " || f.Record.mailingAddress.zip ||"-" || f.Record.mailingAddress.zip4 AS mailing_address
  FROM Contacts AS f
 WHERE f._type="farm"
AND LOWER(f.Record.PropertyAddress.streetName) IS NOT MISSING
 AND TONUMBER(f.Record.PropertyAddress.houseNumber) IS NOT MISSING
Limit 100 Offset 0

Below is my Plan Text

>     "#operator": "With",
>     "bindings": [
>         {
>             "expr": "(select distinct `track_id`, (`t`.`name`) from `Contacts` as `t` unnest (`t`.`tract_id`) as `track_id` where ((`t`.`_type`) = \"tract_info\"))",
>             "static": true,
>             "var": "tracknames"
>         }
>     ],
>     "~child": {
>         "#operator": "Sequence",
>         "~children": [
>             {
>                 "#operator": "IndexScan3",
>                 "as": "f",
>                 "index": "adv_to_number_Record_PropertyAddress_houseNumber_lower_Record_PropertyAddress_streetName_type",
>                 "index_id": "5f3b91c470e5ebbd",
>                 "index_projection": {
>                     "primary_key": true
>                 },
>                 "keyspace": "Contacts",
>                 "namespace": "default",
>                 "spans": [
>                     {
>                         "exact": true,
>                         "range": [
>                             {
>                                 "inclusion": 1,
>                                 "low": "null"
>                             },
>                             {
>                                 "inclusion": 1,
>                                 "low": "null"
>                             }
>                         ]
>                     }
>                 ],
>                 "using": "gsi"
>             },
>             {
>                 "#operator": "Fetch",
>                 "as": "f",
>                 "keyspace": "Contacts",
>                 "namespace": "default"
>             },
>             {
>                 "#operator": "Parallel",
>                 "~child": {
>                     "#operator": "Sequence",
>                     "~children": [
>                         {
>                             "#operator": "Filter",
>                             "condition": "((((`f`.`_type`) = \"farm\") and (lower((((`f`.`Record`).`PropertyAddress`).`streetName`)) is not missing)) and (to_number((((`f`.`Record`).`PropertyAddress`).`houseNumber`)) is not missing))"
>                         },
>                         {
>                             "#operator": "InitialProject",
>                             "distinct": true,
>                             "result_terms": [
>                                 {
>                                     "as": "DocId",
>                                     "expr": "(meta(`f`).`id`)"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "as": "apn",
>                                     "expr": "(substr0(((`f`.`Record`).`apn`), 0, 3) || \"-\" || substr0(((`f`.`Record`).`apn`), 3, 3) || \"-\" || substr0(((`f`.`Record`).`apn`), 6, 2))"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "as": "owner_1",
>                                     "expr": "((((`f`.`Record`).`Owners`).`owner1FName`) || ifmissingornull(case when (0 < length((((`f`.`Record`).`Owners`).`owner1SpouseFName`))) then (\" & \" || (((`f`.`Record`).`Owners`).`owner1SpouseFName`) || \" \") else \" \" end, \" \") || ((`f`.`Owners`).`owner1LName`))"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "as": "owner2",
>                                     "expr": "trim(((((`f`.`Record`).`Owners`).`owner2FName`) || ifmissingornull(case when (0 < length((((`f`.`Record`).`Owners`).`owner2SpouseFName`))) then (\" & \" || (((`f`.`Record`).`Owners`).`owner1SpouseFName`) || \" \") else \" \" end, \" \") || (((`f`.`Record`).`Owners`).`owner2LName`)))"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "expr": "(((`f`.`Record`).`Marketing`).`privacy`)"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "as": "phones",
>                                     "expr": "array {case when ((`v`.`type`) is not missing) then lower((`v`.`type`)) else \"default\" end: case when (length((`v`.`NUMBER`)) = 10) then (\"(\" || substr0((`v`.`NUMBER`), 0, 3) || \") \" || substr0((`v`.`NUMBER`), 3, 3) || \"-\" || substr0((`v`.`NUMBER`), 6, 4)) else (`v`.`NUMBER`) end} for `v` in ((`f`.`Record`).`phones`) end"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "as": "emails",
>                                     "expr": "array {case when ((`v`.`type`) is not missing) then lower((`v`.`type`)) else \"default\" end: (`v`.`address`)} for `v` in ((`f`.`Record`).`emails`) end"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "expr": "((`f`.`Marketing`).`farm_id`)"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "expr": "(((`f`.`Record`).`PropertyAddress`).`houseNumber`)"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "as": "streetName",
>                                     "expr": "((((`f`.`Record`).`PropertyAddress`).`streetName`) || ifmissingornull((\" \" || (((`f`.`Record`).`PropertyAddress`).`streetType`)), \"\") || ifmissingornull((\" \" || (((`f`.`Record`).`PropertyAddress`).`streetSuffix`)), \"\"))"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "expr": "(((`f`.`Record`).`PropertyAddress`).`city`)"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "expr": "(((`f`.`Record`).`PropertyAddress`).`state`)"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "expr": "((`f`.`Record`).`beds`)"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "expr": "((`f`.`Record`).`baths`)"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "expr": "((`f`.`Record`).`partialBaths`)"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "expr": "((`f`.`Record`).`fireplace`)"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "expr": "((`f`.`Record`).`ownerOccupied`)"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "expr": "((`f`.`Record`).`tract`)"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "expr": "((`f`.`Record`).`propertyType`)"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "expr": "(((`f`.`Record`).`History`).`updated_flag`)"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "as": "tract_name",
>                                     "expr": "first (`v`.`name`) for `v` in `tracknames` when ((`v`.`track_id`) = ((`f`.`Record`).`tract`)) end"
>                                 },
>                                 {
>                                     "as": "mailing_address",
>                                     "expr": "((((`f`.`Record`).`mailingAddress`).`address`) || \" \" || (((`f`.`Record`).`mailingAddress`).`city`) || \" \" || (((`f`.`Record`).`mailingAddress`).`state`) || \" \" || (((`f`.`Record`).`mailingAddress`).`zip`) || \"-\" || (((`f`.`Record`).`mailingAddress`).`zip4`))"
>                                 }
>                             ]
>                         },
>                         {
>                             "#operator": "Distinct"
>                         },
>                         {
>                             "#operator": "FinalProject"
>                         }
>                     ]
>                 }
>             },
>             {
>                 "#operator": "Distinct"
>             }
>         ]
>     }
> }

Execute WITH clause and see how long it taking. also do EXPLAIN and see if it using right index. How many items it has.

Also you can see just removing WITH clause , tract_name projection and see how much over head is causing.

I played around a bit and found that if i remove the

AND LOWER(f.Record.PropertyAddress.streetName) IS NOT MISSING
AND TONUMBER(f.Record.PropertyAddress.houseNumber) IS NOT MISSING

the query time is in sub 200 ms. and i have an index which should cover these…

CREATE INDEX adv_to_number_Record_PropertyAddress_houseNumber_lower_Record_PropertyAddress_streetName_type ON Contacts(to_number(((Record.PropertyAddress).houseNumber)),lower(((Record.PropertyAddress).streetName))) WHERE (_type = ‘farm’)

Then what index it used. If EE, Execute query in UI and check plan text tab

If i use the

AND LOWER(f.Record.PropertyAddress.streetName) IS NOT MISSING
AND TONUMBER(f.Record.PropertyAddress.houseNumber) IS NOT MISSING

it uses

Index Currently Used

CREATE INDEX adv_to_number_Record_PropertyAddress_houseNumber_lower_Record_PropertyAddress_streetName_type ON Contacts(to_number(((Record.PropertyAddress).houseNumber)),lower(((Record.PropertyAddress).streetName))) WHERE (_type = ‘farm’)

if i use without the And clause…

Index Currently Used

CREATE INDEX adv_type ON Contacts(_type)

Ok i forgot one thing, i also have a order clause which adds this…

ORDER BY LOWER(f.Record.PropertyAddress.streetName), TONUMBER(f.Record.PropertyAddress.houseNumber)

and if i run it in my Nodejs i get these metrics

{ elapsedTime: ‘3.548131168s’,
executionTime: ‘3.547840523s’,
resultCount: 100,
resultSize: 38714,
sortCount: 3836 }

If you have order by interchange keys match index keys order with order by keys order

CREATE INDEX adv_to_number_Record_PropertyAddress_houseNumber_lower_Record_PropertyAddress_streetName_type ON Contacts(lower(((Record.PropertyAddress).streetName)), to_number(((Record.PropertyAddress).houseNumber))) WHERE (_type = ‘farm’)

Also remove DISTINCT (DocId is unique)

meta(f).id as DocId,

Is there a way to use that index if there is no

AND LOWER(f.Record.PropertyAddress.streetName) IS NOT MISSING
AND TONUMBER(f.Record.PropertyAddress.houseNumber) IS NOT MISSING

but still the

ORDER BY LOWER(f.Record.PropertyAddress.streetName),

Only way is also add _type as leading key in the index