Using com.couchbase.client, java-client version 2.2.7 I have been unable to get a n1ql secondary index working that uses a parameterized IN clause. See my example index, query, and java code below
bucketName(id,docType) USING GSI ;
public static final String COUNT_STATEMENT = "select count(*) as count " +
"from bucketName " +
"where docType = 'docId' " +
"and id IN $ids " +
"and publishTimestamp between $startTime and $endTime";
Code to submit Query
public int getCountForDuration(Long startTime, Long endTime, Collection<String> ids){
List<String> idList = new ArrayList<>(ids);
JsonObject placeHolders = JsonObject.create()
.put("ids", JsonArray.from(idList))
.put("startTime", startTime)
.put("endTime", endTime);
N1qlQuery query = N1qlQuery.parameterized(COUNT_STATEMENT, placeHolders)
N1qlQueryResult result = bucket.query(query);
Before adding parameterization this secondary Index was correctly being used by my query. Also my query works if I use a primary Index.
My question is this how do I create a secondary index which will be used by my query.