Need to tune a N1QL

I have the below N1QL Query

SELECT product,
       COUNT(DISTINCT p.uuid) totalRequestedCount
FROM `api_external` AS p
    JOIN `api_external` AS i ON p.uuid = LEFT
    status = IFMISSINGORNULL(, ps.val)
WHERE p.type = 'partnerApp'
    AND i.type = 'integration'
    AND status = 'REQUESTED'
    AND p.deleted = FALSE
    AND i.deleted = FALSE
   AND product in ["a68d99bbd45c490dbe006d1ce2831ca3","e60f281f832547059f35af3d45f7efa0"] 
    AND NOT IN ['testCompanyid1', 'testCompanyid2']
	AND  ( IS_NULL (i.backupOf) OR i.backupOf="")
	AND  ( IS_NULL (p.backupOf) OR p.backupOf="")
	group by product

This query takes around 5 secs to execute

The index advisor tells this query is using optimal index

CREATE INDEX apiExt_prtrApp_temp ON `api_external`(`type`,(`data`.`companyId`),`uuid`,(`data`.`appName`),(`data`.`description`),(`data`.`fourthParty`),`deleted`,(`data`.`additionalAdmins`),(`data`.`additionalDevelopers`),`backupOf`) WHERE (`type` = 'partnerApp')
CREATE INDEX temp_ix2 ON `api_external`(`deleted`,`backupOf`,(`data`.`partnerAppId`),(`data`.`env`),(`data`.`productStatus`),`updatedTs`,`createdTs`,(`data`.`productId`),(`data`.`status`)) WHERE (`type` = 'integration')

is there any way to make this N1ql run faster. We are looking at ms response hopefully with the same indexes

Your “IS_NULL(
) OR 
” clauses can be rewritten as, e.g. : IFNULL(i.backupOf,"") = "" but this isn’t going to make much difference.

You haven’t stated the size of your bucket nor the number of results you get: 5 seconds could be fantastic if billions and millions.

What does profiling show you is the major time consumer? - ideally post the profile as this’ll include counts at each operator.

Hi @dh
please find below the profiling results.

  "#operator": "Authorize",
  "#stats": {
    "#phaseSwitches": 4,
    "execTime": "1.399”s",
    "servTime": "14.297”s"
  "privileges": {
    "List": [
        "Target": "default:api_external",
        "Priv": 7,
        "Props": 0
  "~child": {
    "#operator": "Sequence",
    "#stats": {
      "#phaseSwitches": 2,
      "execTime": "2.93”s"
    "~children": [
        "#operator": "IndexScan3",
        "#stats": {
          "#heartbeatYields": 1,
          "#itemsOut": 3026,
          "#phaseSwitches": 12107,
          "execTime": "56.532396ms",
          "kernTime": "3.61118285s",
          "servTime": "10.036212ms"
        "as": "p",
        "covers": [
          "cover ((`p`.`type`))",
          "cover (((`p`.`data`).`companyId`))",
          "cover ((`p`.`uuid`))",
          "cover (((`p`.`data`).`appName`))",
          "cover (((`p`.`data`).`description`))",
          "cover (((`p`.`data`).`fourthParty`))",
          "cover ((`p`.`deleted`))",
          "cover (((`p`.`data`).`additionalAdmins`))",
          "cover (((`p`.`data`).`additionalDevelopers`))",
          "cover ((`p`.`backupOf`))",
          "cover ((meta(`p`).`id`))"
        "filter": "((cover ((`p`.`type`)) = \"partnerApp\") and (cover ((`p`.`deleted`)) = false) and (not (cover (((`p`.`data`).`companyId`)) in [\"testCompanyid1\", \"testCompanyid2\"])) and ((cover (((`p`.`data`).`companyId`)) < \"testCompanyid2\") or (\"testCompanyid2\" < cover (((`p`.`data`).`companyId`)))) and (cover ((`p`.`backupOf`)) is null))",
        "filter_covers": {
          "cover ((`p`.`type`))": "partnerApp"
        "index": "apiExt_prtrApp_type",
        "index_id": "771601742488e452",
        "index_projection": {
          "entry_keys": [
        "keyspace": "api_external",
        "namespace": "default",
        "spans": [
            "exact": true,
            "range": [
                "high": "\"partnerApp\"",
                "inclusion": 3,
                "index_key": "`type`",
                "low": "\"partnerApp\""
                "high": "\"testCompanyid1\"",
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`companyId`)",
                "low": "null"
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "`uuid`"
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`appName`)"
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`description`)"
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`fourthParty`)"
                "high": "false",
                "inclusion": 3,
                "index_key": "`deleted`",
                "low": "false"
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`additionalAdmins`)"
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`additionalDevelopers`)"
                "high": "null",
                "inclusion": 3,
                "index_key": "`backupOf`",
                "low": "null"
            "exact": true,
            "range": [
                "high": "\"partnerApp\"",
                "inclusion": 3,
                "index_key": "`type`",
                "low": "\"partnerApp\""
                "high": "\"testCompanyid2\"",
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`companyId`)",
                "low": "\"testCompanyid1\""
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "`uuid`"
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`appName`)"
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`description`)"
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`fourthParty`)"
                "high": "false",
                "inclusion": 3,
                "index_key": "`deleted`",
                "low": "false"
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`additionalAdmins`)"
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`additionalDevelopers`)"
                "high": "null",
                "inclusion": 3,
                "index_key": "`backupOf`",
                "low": "null"
            "exact": true,
            "range": [
                "high": "\"partnerApp\"",
                "inclusion": 3,
                "index_key": "`type`",
                "low": "\"partnerApp\""
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`companyId`)",
                "low": "\"testCompanyid2\""
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "`uuid`"
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`appName`)"
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`description`)"
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`fourthParty`)"
                "high": "false",
                "inclusion": 3,
                "index_key": "`deleted`",
                "low": "false"
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`additionalAdmins`)"
                "inclusion": 0,
                "index_key": "(`data`.`additionalDevelopers`)"
                "high": "null",
                "inclusion": 3,
                "index_key": "`backupOf`",
                "low": "null"
        "using": "gsi",
        "#time_normal": "00:00.066",
        "#time_absolute": 0.066568608
        "#operator": "Sequence",
        "#stats": {
          "#phaseSwitches": 1,
          "execTime": "1.543”s"
        "~children": [
            "#operator": "NestedLoopJoin",
            "#stats": {
              "#itemsIn": 3026,
              "#itemsOut": 2443,
              "#phaseSwitches": 27932,
              "execTime": "51.492505ms",
              "kernTime": "4.423013795s"
            "alias": "i",
            "on_clause": "(cover ((`p`.`uuid`)) = cover (((`i`.`data`).`partnerAppId`)))",
            "~child": {
              "#operator": "IndexScan3",
              "#stats": {
                "#itemsOut": 2443,
                "#phaseSwitches": 24902,
                "execTime": "90.663302ms",
                "kernTime": "12.178049ms",
                "servTime": "4.279160339s"
              "as": "i",
              "covers": [
                "cover ((`i`.`type`))",
                "cover (((`i`.`data`).`partnerAppId`))",
                "cover (((`i`.`data`).`env`))",
                "cover (((`i`.`data`).`productStatus`))",
                "cover ((`i`.`updatedTs`))",
                "cover ((`i`.`createdTs`))",
                "cover (((`i`.`data`).`productId`))",
                "cover (((`i`.`data`).`status`))",
                "cover ((`i`.`deleted`))",
                "cover ((`i`.`backupOf`))",
                "cover ((meta(`i`).`id`))"
              "filter": "((cover ((`i`.`type`)) = \"integration\") and (cover (((`i`.`data`).`env`)) = \"SANDBOX\") and (cover ((`i`.`deleted`)) = false) and (cover ((`i`.`backupOf`)) is null))",
              "filter_covers": {
                "cover ((`i`.`type`))": "integration"
              "index": "apiExt_intg_type",
              "index_id": "6c452582111482e8",
              "index_projection": {
                "entry_keys": [
              "keyspace": "api_external",
              "namespace": "default",
              "nested_loop": true,
              "spans": [
                  "exact": true,
                  "range": [
                      "high": "\"integration\"",
                      "inclusion": 3,
                      "index_key": "`type`",
                      "low": "\"integration\""
                      "high": "cover ((`p`.`uuid`))",
                      "inclusion": 3,
                      "index_key": "(`data`.`partnerAppId`)",
                      "low": "cover ((`p`.`uuid`))"
                      "high": "\"SANDBOX\"",
                      "inclusion": 3,
                      "index_key": "(`data`.`env`)",
                      "low": "\"SANDBOX\""
                      "inclusion": 0,
                      "index_key": "(`data`.`productStatus`)"
                      "inclusion": 0,
                      "index_key": "`updatedTs`"
                      "inclusion": 0,
                      "index_key": "`createdTs`"
                      "inclusion": 0,
                      "index_key": "(`data`.`productId`)"
                      "inclusion": 0,
                      "index_key": "(`data`.`status`)"
                      "high": "false",
                      "inclusion": 3,
                      "index_key": "`deleted`",
                      "low": "false"
                      "high": "null",
                      "inclusion": 3,
                      "index_key": "`backupOf`",
                      "low": "null"
              "using": "gsi",
              "#time_normal": "00:04.369",
              "#time_absolute": 4.369823641
            "#time_normal": "00:00.051",
            "#time_absolute": 0.051492505
            "#operator": "Unnest",
            "#stats": {
              "#itemsIn": 2443,
              "#itemsOut": 3496,
              "#phaseSwitches": 11882,
              "execTime": "42.523221ms",
              "kernTime": "4.432003037s"
            "as": "ps",
            "expr": "object_pairs(cover (((`i`.`data`).`productStatus`)))",
            "outer": true,
            "#time_normal": "00:00.042",
            "#time_absolute": 0.042523221
        "#time_normal": "00:00.000",
        "#time_absolute": 0.0000015429999999999999
        "#operator": "Sequence",
        "#stats": {
          "#phaseSwitches": 1,
          "execTime": "2.03”s"
        "~children": [
            "#operator": "Let",
            "#stats": {
              "#itemsIn": 3496,
              "#itemsOut": 3496,
              "#phaseSwitches": 13988,
              "execTime": "20.014698ms",
              "kernTime": "4.454534597s"
            "bindings": [
                "expr": "ifmissingornull(cover (((`i`.`data`).`productId`)), (`ps`.`name`))",
                "var": "product"
                "expr": "ifmissingornull(cover (((`i`.`data`).`status`)), (`ps`.`val`))",
                "var": "status"
            "#time_normal": "00:00.020",
            "#time_absolute": 0.020014698
            "#operator": "Filter",
            "#stats": {
              "#itemsIn": 3496,
              "#itemsOut": 566,
              "#phaseSwitches": 8128,
              "execTime": "14.897275ms",
              "kernTime": "4.459677788s"
            "condition": "((`status` = \"APPROVED\") and (`product` in [\"30040f71c95a474d8ec7e3804c5358dc\"]))",
            "#time_normal": "00:00.014",
            "#time_absolute": 0.014897275
            "#operator": "InitialGroup",
            "#stats": {
              "#itemsIn": 566,
              "#itemsOut": 1,
              "#phaseSwitches": 1138,
              "execTime": "13.844479ms",
              "kernTime": "4.46075606s"
            "aggregates": [
              "count(DISTINCT cover (((`p`.`data`).`companyId`)))"
            "group_keys": [
            "#time_normal": "00:00.013",
            "#time_absolute": 0.013844479
        "#time_normal": "00:00.000",
        "#time_absolute": 0.0000020299999999999996
        "#operator": "IntermediateGroup",
        "#stats": {
          "#itemsIn": 1,
          "#itemsOut": 1,
          "#phaseSwitches": 8,
          "execTime": "27.481”s",
          "kernTime": "4.474623759s"
        "aggregates": [
          "count(DISTINCT cover (((`p`.`data`).`companyId`)))"
        "group_keys": [
        "#time_normal": "00:00.000",
        "#time_absolute": 0.000027481
        "#operator": "FinalGroup",
        "#stats": {
          "#itemsIn": 1,
          "#itemsOut": 1,
          "#phaseSwitches": 8,
          "execTime": "24.008”s",
          "kernTime": "4.474671944s"
        "aggregates": [
          "count(DISTINCT cover (((`p`.`data`).`companyId`)))"
        "group_keys": [
        "#time_normal": "00:00.000",
        "#time_absolute": 0.000024007999999999998
        "#operator": "InitialProject",
        "#stats": {
          "#itemsIn": 1,
          "#itemsOut": 1,
          "#phaseSwitches": 8,
          "execTime": "1.439592ms",
          "kernTime": "4.474705431s",
          "state": "running"
        "discard_original": true,
        "result_terms": [
            "expr": "`product`"
            "as": "totalRequestedCount",
            "expr": "count(DISTINCT cover (((`p`.`data`).`companyId`)))"
        "#time_normal": "00:00.001",
        "#time_absolute": 0.001439592
        "#operator": "Stream",
        "#stats": {
          "#itemsIn": 1,
          "#itemsOut": 1,
          "#phaseSwitches": 2,
          "execTime": "20.477”s"
        "#time_normal": "00:00.000",
        "#time_absolute": 0.000020477
    "#time_normal": "00:00.000",
    "#time_absolute": 0.0000029300000000000003
  "~versions": [
  "#time_normal": "00:00.000",
  "#time_absolute": 0.000015696

@dh - There is not much data. The complete bucket doesnt have more than 70 K documents. The disk space is 120 MB

I’m unsure there will be much of a better plan for this. The nested loop join is only taking ~1.5 ms for the index scan per outer - it is not fully qualifying all index keys so must be doing some index scanning. Since the majority match it wouldn’t be beneficial to have a narrower index and just fetch matches (this may be a viable strategy if the number of matches was small compared to the number of iterations).

I am not convinced a hash join would perform any better, however you could try it and see (since you’re using Enterprise Edition); add the directive here:

 JOIN `api_external` AS i USE HASH(BUILD) ON p.uuid =

(Since the bucket isn’t too large I wouldn’t expect an excessive size to the hash table - so increase in memory footprint.)

Since you’re on EE, have you considered using CBO and up-to-date statistics to see what choice can be made via costing?

When not parameterized (i.e constants) NOT IN DNF transformed to multiple ORs and uses three spans. This can perfrom well some cases ex: testCompanyid1 or testCompanyid2 values are very high. IndexScan will take care of those. Only issue is NOT IN has thousands .

Where as non parameterized can’t alter plan it will use single span.

1 Like

Thanks for answering my (now deleted) question. I removed it because I thought it might not be relevant to optimizing the user’s query.

wowwww that changed the performance from 5 secs to under 200 ms


The index from the above are really not optimized.

With your new updated query with the hash join

SELECT product, COUNT(DISTINCT p.uuid) totalRequestedCount FROM api_externalAS p JOINapi_external AS i USE HASH(BUILD) ON p.uuid = LEFT UNNEST OBJECT_PAIRS( AS ps LET product = IFMISSINGORNULL(,, status = IFMISSINGORNULL(, ps.val) WHERE p.type = 'partnerApp' AND i.type = 'integration' AND status = 'REQUESTED' AND'<ENV>' AND p.deleted = FALSE AND i.deleted = FALSE AND product in ["a68d99bbd45c490dbe006d1ce2831ca3","e60f281f832547059f35af3d45f7efa0"] AND NOT IN ['testCompanyid1', 'testCompanyid2'] AND ( IS_NULL (i.backupOf) OR i.backupOf="") AND ( IS_NULL (p.backupOf) OR p.backupOf="") group by product

I think these would be better indexes

CREATE INDEX apiExt_prtrApp_temp_v2 ON api_external(data.companyId,deleted,backupOf,uuid) WHERE type = ‘partnerApp’ AND (IS_NULL(backupOf) OR backupOf = “”) AND deleted = FALSE

CREATE INDEX temp_ix2_v2 ON api_external((data.env),deleted,backupOf,(data.partnerAppId),(data.productStatus),updatedTs,createdTs,(data.productId),(data.status)) WHERE type = ‘integration’ AND (IS_NULL(backupOf) OR backupOf = “”) AND data.env = '<ENV>'

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