I am hoping that someone can assist with a connectivity issue I am having from an Amazon EC2 Ubuntu box with NodeJS SDK installed and trying to communicate with a Couchbase Cluster.
The facts are:-
Cluster - A 3 node cluster (version 2.2.0 enterprise edition (build-821) on an internal office network.
Firewall - all these ports are pointing at the internal IP
21100 to 21199 (inclusive)
Couchbase SDK - NodeJS
Internal Test - Using the below code to test connectivity and correct result returned within the { } (it works!)
var couchbase = require(‘couchbase’);
var db = new couchbase.Connection({host: ‘’, bucket: ‘default’});
db.get(‘new_holland_brewing_company-sundog’, function(err, result) {
Amazon - I have an Amazon Ubuntu box (Ubuntu Server 12.04.3 LTS)
Security Group (Firewall) - accepting all inbound/outbound to ensure no restrictions (
Couchbase SDK - identical to above (NodeJS)
External Test - Using above code but modified to access the incoming gateway IP, replaced the actual IP with x :-
var couchbase = require(‘couchbase’);
var db = new couchbase.Connection({host: ‘xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8091’, bucket: ‘default’});
db.get(‘new_holland_brewing_company-sundog’, function(err, result) {
The retuned result is blank… On the console all that is displayed is {} (there is no data between the {} )
On the same Amazon box where nodejs sdk is installed I can Telnet in without any issues.
Thank you in advance for any logical assistance.