I am attempting to connect to a couchbase server from a client OUTSIDE the cluster. I have successfully deploy external-dns so that my kubernetes couchbase service correctly returns the IP addresses of the pods. (I’m using VPC-CNI so these IP’s are reachable directly from outside the cluster).
The PROBLEM is that I cannot retrieve data because when the client first connects (using the correct IP it got from external-dns) to the cluster, the cluster returns the NODE MAP of the DATA pods, but they’re NOT IP addresses. Instead they’re DNS names in the form clustername-0000.srv.cluster.local. The client doesn’t know what IP addresses go with that name, so the connection fails.
How can I get the returned Node Map from the server to be IP address and NOT DNS names like clustername-0000.svc.cluster.local
Here’s what’s happening:
client ( looks up clustername.myexternaldomain.com from my external DNS
DNS server for clustername.myexternaldomain.com returns 3 reachable pod addresses:,,
client connects to - gets node (of pods) map.
Node map includes clustername-0000.srv.cluster.local, clustername-0001.srv.cluster.local, clustername-0002.srv.cluster.local (these names are NOT resolvable by the client)
Connection fails.