Have a problem when running N1QL queries. Running node.js project with nodemon … Error output with nodemon doesnt say anything about the problem.
“[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting…”
Connecting too couchbase bucket works fine.
Creating documents with couchbase sdk for node.js works fine.
But when running N1QL queries just crash my application… Default bucket is installed for testing purpose.
var N1qlQuery = require('couchbase').N1qlQuery;
var myBucket = myCluster.openBucket();
var query = N1qlQuery.fromString('SELECT * FROM default');
myBucket.query(query, function(err, res) {
if (err) {
console.log(‘query failed’, err);
console.log(‘success!’, res);
I am using node version 4.1.1, couchbase SDK 2.1.1 and couchbase 4 RC0. Is there any chance of getting these error messages? It doesn’t even print “query failed”.
Have also tested to create primary index on default bucket and other buckets… N1QL queries works fine using cbt …
Best regards