I have couchbase server setup with one node and clients are able to write data to it. What I am working on now is a simple script to get some of these stored documents. I went in to the web console and found a random key and I try to retrieve that from my program. What I get is this warning:
WARN com.couchbase.client.CouchbaseConnection: Node expected to receive data is inactive. This could be due to a failure within the cluster. Will check for updated configuration. Key without a configured node is: xxxx.
I can log into web console, in the cluster overview i see one active server and 4 active buckets
right after the warning I see this in the log:
Error : Timeout waiting for value: waited 2,500 ms. Node status: Connection Status { 10.xxx.xxxx.xxx/10.xxx.xxxx.xxx:11210 active: false, authed: true, last read: 2,846 ms ago