```object_remove``` function in PREPARE statement Problems On 4.5

I am using Couchbase Server Version: 4.5.0-2601 Enterprise Edition (build-2601) with Couchbase SyncGateway 1.2.0.
and the following N1QL works fine:

select meta().id,_sync.rev as rev,object_remove(mydb,"_sync").* from mydb USE KEYS ["doc1","doc2"];

PS: I want to get all doc’s id and rev,without _sync property.
and when I create a PREPARE statement with following command:

curl -v --data-urlencode 'statement=PREPARE getDocByID FROM SELECT meta().id,_sync.rev as rev,object_remove(mydb,"_sync").*  FROM mydb a USE KEYS $keys;'

it return success.

but when I query data with:

curl -v -d 'prepared="getDocByID"&$keys=["doc1","doc2"]'

it only return id and rev field like this:

    "requestID": "1a85e350-443e-4d89-b459-9a066a486e0c",
    "signature": {
        "*": "*",
        "id": "json",
        "rev": "json"
    "results": [
            "id": "doc1",
            "rev": "1-a37966aab4cadf74c8d020948fff8a79"
            "id": "doc2",
            "rev": "2-0718fa8ffec7115c53c794124b74059f"
    "status": "success",
    "metrics": {
        "elapsedTime": "1.219235ms",
        "executionTime": "1.137076ms",
        "resultCount": 2,
        "resultSize": 226

Can you change

FROM mydb a


FROM mydb

thank you ,It works.