We are using below config for our Couchbase env
CB server version v6.6.3
Kafka source connector v3.4
Connector config
"connector.class": "com.couchbase.connect.kafka.CouchbaseSourceConnector",
"connection.password": "xxx",
"tasks.max": "6",
"couchbase.compression": "ENABLED",
"connection.timeout.ms": "2000",
"couchbase.stream_from": "SAVED_OFFSET_OR_NOW",
"connection.username": "xxxx",
"transforms": "deserializeJson",
"couchbase.flow_control_buffer": "64m",
"dcp.message.converter.class": "com.couchbase.connect.kafka.handler.source.RawJsonWithMetadataSourceHandler",
"connection.bucket": "xxxx",
"event.filter.class": "com.couchbase.connect.kafka.filter.AllPassFilter",
"name": "xxxx",
"topic.name": "xxx",
"couchbase.persistence_polling_interval": "100ms",
"value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
"transforms.deserializeJson.type": "com.couchbase.connect.kafka.transform.DeserializeJson",
"connection.cluster_address": "xxxx",
"use_snapshots": "false"
Recently we started seeing old messages in our kafka. These messages have additional fields compared to original document in Couchbase.
"event_timestamp": 1647856077931000,
"idd": "testId",
"isDeleted": false
There are no errors logged in connector for this bucket connector.
- Are these fields added by connector by default? I could not find it in another connector for a different bucket.
- What the possible scenarios which can lead to older DCP messages being read? How to debug this?
- As per my understanding, these messages are generated based on DCP. Can someone please clarify what happens behind the connector read? Connector doc says that if multiple updates happen on one bucket, connector may see the last event only? Why?