I have an app which I have been developing for many years in my spare time, I was using couchbase 6 with extensive use of views.
Last time I tried views on couchbase 7 the support was subpar and I was told that it was a legacy feature that is end of life.
Even if it would continue to be supported “as it is” without regressions(which is not guaranteed given my last test), I don’t feel safe working with something abandoned and I would prefer to work with the latest 6.x version.
Isn’t there an archive where I can download old community versions?
Update, I was using Ubuntu 24 and it wasn’t showing. Fired up the old Ubuntu 18, and it is there. Can I understand these are there to stay or should I make some backup?
Make a backup, so that regardless of what happens to the downloads, you still have what you need.
Where can I download version 6.6.6?
The most recent I can download is 6.6.0. On the release note it says Ubuntu 20 is supported from 6.6.2 and later, but if I install Ubuntu 20 only version 7 and above are shown.
Couchbase Server 6 is End-of-Life since October 2023.
Software Lifecycle Schedules | Couchbase → Older Versions
Whatever downloads are available are here - you’ll need to construct the filename, there doesn’t seem to be a way to get a list of what is available.
If it may help somebody else, I was able to install the version 6.6.0 on Ubuntu 24 LTS just fine, all I had to do was install the missing packages manually libtinfo5 and bzip2.
I need to test more, but seem to be stable so far.
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