Hi All,
I am trying to connect a springboot2 app to couchbase 6 community edition.
I am connecting to multiple buckets and through repository mapping I want to use multiple repositories together each repo mapping to different buckets.I have created the couchbase configuration class with below methods. Assume getCluster() is returning the authenticated cluster properly.
However it always connect to same repository even though entities are mapped to each bucket configuration.I have config object per each bucket.
Please help me to identify the issue here.
public class ConfigurationBucketConfig extends CouchbaseConfiguration {
protected String getUsername() {
return bucketRootUserName;
protected String getBucketName() {
return configurationBucketName;
protected String getBucketPassword() {
return configurationBucketPassword;
public Bucket configurationBucket() throws Exception {
return getCluster().openBucket(configurationBucketName);
public CouchbaseTemplate couchbaseTemplate() throws Exception {
CouchbaseTemplate template = new CouchbaseTemplate(
couchbaseClusterInfo(), configurationBucket(),
mappingCouchbaseConverter(), translationService());
return template;
public void configureRepositoryOperationsMapping(RepositoryOperationsMapping baseMapping) {
try {
baseMapping //this is already using couchbaseTemplate as default
.mapEntity(Api.class, couchbaseTemplate())
.mapEntity(Connector.class, couchbaseTemplate())
.mapEntity(ConnectorParameter.class, couchbaseTemplate())
.mapEntity(ErrorLog.class, couchbaseTemplate())
.mapEntity(Message.class, couchbaseTemplate())
.mapEntity(Route.class, couchbaseTemplate())
.mapEntity(RouteHistory.class, couchbaseTemplate())
.mapEntity(Subscriber.class, couchbaseTemplate())
.mapEntity(MessageRevision.class, couchbaseTemplate());
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} //every repository dealing with User will be backed by userTemplate()