I’m using Couchbase 4.5 Community Edition.
My bucket has about 1m items and I need to get documents with range filter and sort.
I created index:
Query is:
SELECT meta(
).id FROMmy-bucket
WHERE param1="certain_val" AND param2 > 9500 ORDER BY param3 ASC LIMIT 20;
Eplain query gives me:
[ { "plan": { "#operator": "Sequence", "~children": [ { "#operator": "Sequence", "~children": [ { "#operator": "IndexScan", "covers": [ "cover ((`my-bucket`.`param1`))", "cover ((`my-bucket`.`param2`))", "cover ((`my-bucket`.`param3`))", ], "filter_covers": { "cover ((`my-bucket`.`param1`))": "certain_val" }, "index": "my_index", "index_id": "f034eb9852aefe99", "keyspace": "my-bucket", "namespace": "default", "spans": [ { "Range": { "High": [ "successor(\"certain_val\")" ], "Inclusion": 1, "Low": [ "\"certain_val\"" ] } } ], "using": "gsi" }, { "#operator": "Parallel", "~child": { "#operator": "Sequence", "~children": [ { "#operator": "Filter", "condition": "(((cover ((`my-bucket`.`param1`)) = \"certain_val\") and (9500 < cover ((`my-bucket`.`param2`))))" }, { "#operator": "InitialProject", "result_terms": [ { "expr": "cover ((meta(`my-bucket`).`id`))" } ] } ] } } ] }, { "#operator": "Order", "limit": "20", "sort_terms": [ { "expr": "cover ((`my-bucket`.`param3`))" } ] }, { "#operator": "Limit", "expr": "20" }, { "#operator": "FinalProject" } ] }, "text": "SELECT meta(`my-bucket`).id FROM `my-bucket`WHERE param1=\"certain_val\" AND param2 > 9500 ORDER BY param3 ASC LIMIT 20;" } ]
Still, it takes 37 seconds to perform the query even though index is hit and fields are covered.
I noticed that the speed of the query seems largely dependent on the number of documents left after the filtering. However that’s beyond our control… now I have no idea how to improve query performance. Any insights on potential improvements?
The same query seems to be much faster in Solr (< 0.5s). So the last resort is that we’ll need to use a connector to sync the data with a solr cluster. But it would be much trouble and we’d like to avoid it if possible.
any help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.