Hi all.
I have here a structure of the document:
"type": "fileActivity",
"docId": "001c49f1e3e3",
"createdAt": 1408666740,
"updatedAt": 1408666740,
"file": "f23c6aa8f5e4a83c",
"fromUserId": "a056833fe94a",
"toUserId": "a056833fe94a",
"subject": "systest",
"message": "testtest",
"fromUserName": "mne@sergeykozlov.ru",
"toUserName": "mne@sergeykozlov.ru"
Also I have a view here:
function (doc, meta) {
if (meta.type == "json" && doc.type == "fileActivity") {
// Check if doc is JSON
emit(doc.toUserId, {
'docId': doc.docId,
'createdAt': doc.createdAt,
'updatedAt': doc.updatedAt,
'file': doc.file,
'subject': doc.subject,
'message': doc.message,
'fromUserName': doc.fromUserName,
'toUserName': doc.toUserName,
'read': doc.read
} else {
// do something with binary value
And here I get the following result:
"id":"f9842b995be9", "value": {
Can I sort the result on the field createdAt?
I do it like this:
$query = CouchbaseViewQuery::from("fileActivity", 'toUserId')->key($cbMy['userId'])->order(CouchbaseViewQuery::ORDER_DESCENDING)->stale(CouchbaseViewQuery::UPDATE_BEFORE)