Ottoman doesn't do what is set up in the Model definition as "default"


I’m using Ottoman 1.0.6 with couchbase node SKD 2.6.7
here is my model:

const Ottoman = require("ottoman");

const AssetModel = Ottoman.model("Asset", {
activeStatus: { type: "boolean", default: true },
archiveStatus: { type: "boolean", default: false },
_changeTimestamp: {type: "integer", default: },
parameters: {
    asset_name: { type: "string" },
    asset_name_ts: { type: "integer", default: },

    asset_description: { type: "string" },
    asset_description_ts: { type: "integer", default: },

    asset_typeName: { type: "string" },
    asset_typeName_ts: { type: "integer", default: },

    asset_modelName: { type: "string" },
    asset_modelName_ts: { type: "integer", default: },

    asset_connectionStatus: { type: "integer" },
    asset_connectionStatus_ts: { type: "integer", default: },

    asset_operationStatus: { type: "integer" },
    asset_operationStatus_ts: { type: "integer", default: },

    asset_layerName: { type: "string" },
    asset_layerName_ts: { type: "integer", default: },

    asset_currentUptime: { type: "integer" },
    asset_currentUptime_ts: { type: "integer", default: },

    asset_currentDowntime: { type: "integer" },
    asset_currentDowntime_ts: { type: "integer", default: },

    asset_currentOEE: { type: "integer" },
    asset_currentOEE_ts: { type: "integer", default: }
references: {
    assetTypeId: { ref: "AssetType" },
    assetModelId: { ref: "AssetModel" },
    layerId: { ref: "Layer" }

So here is my problem:
When I’m saving the model, then I get this saved:

  "_type": "Asset",
  "activeStatus": true,
  "archiveStatus": false,
  "_changeTimestamp": 1575310192938,
  "parameters": {
    "asset_name": "MyAsset001",
    "asset_description": "This is the Asset Description",
    "asset_typeName": "Collaborative",
    "asset_modelName": "Model 1234",
    "asset_connectionStatus": 1,
    "asset_operationStatus": 2,
    "asset_layerName": "Layer123",
    "asset_currentUptime": 1234,
    "asset_currentDowntime": 12,
    "asset_currentOEE": 90
  "references": {
    "assetTypeId": {
      "_type": "AssetType",
      "$ref": "19de5023-973f-4142-9a2a-8b4edbb6a1af"
    "layerId": {
      "_type": "Layer",
      "$ref": "a0f22434-edd8-4716-b6e0-ff44e1d7cb61"
    "assetModelId": {
      "_type": "AssetModel",
      "$ref": "3bdd1fb5-a5bc-45c7-8b88-cbd77604f1e0"
  "_id": "06876530-a56b-474d-973e-6ed5c5bcabaf"

So where in the Model Definition the property name is _changeTimestamp and the value is “default:” it got executed and if I didn’t provide any integer than I got the Timestamp which is fine.
But under the property name “parameters” there are a lot of similar lines where I desire to get the same “default” values what I didn’t get.

Is there any solution that I can get the default values in the deeper levels also like at the top level?

Now I was checking the data types and I don’t get any warning or anything if I save the wrong datatype for example:

asset_name: { type: "string" },

but when I’m saving 12341234 as integer or true as boolean like this:

asset_name: true

I don’t get any error or warning. Am I doing something wrong? Please let me know!

regards, Manooo