I have done a sample project using Couchbase Lite(CouchBaseLite Version = “3.2.1”) in my Android Project. However, P2P sync is not happening even though all the steps mentioned in the documentation are handled properly. I am getting a couchbaseLite Exception during Replication.
Here is the error :
state changed BUSY => STOPPED(0/0) CouchbaseLiteException{ CouchbaseLite, 26: Invalid getCollections message: not the first message at com.couchbase.lite.ReplicatorStatus. convertC4StatusError( ReplicatorStatus. java: 63) at com.couchbase.lite.ReplicatorStatus. < init> ( ReplicatorStatus. java: 88) at com.couchbase.lite.AbstractReplicator. updateStatus( AbstractReplicator. java: 797) with tag CouchbaseLite/REPLICATOR
Also getting following log in between -
Obj=/JRepl@1954722883/C4RemoteRepl#10/Repl#11/ Got error response: BLIP 400 ‘Invalid getCollections message: not the first message’
Are the apps on both devices using the same version of CBL?
Are you using only the default collection, or multiple collections? Do the databases on each device have the same collections configured?
Did you remember to specify which collection(s) to replicate?
(This error is coming from the replication protocol at a pretty low level. I wouldn’t expect it to be visible to the app, and it looks like something that could be a protocol version mismatch, or else a disagreement between the peers about whether they’re syncing non-default collections.)
Hi krinyny,
Thanks for your posting. Is it possible to collect the logs at the Verbose level? I would like to have the logs on both devices (active and passive) ?
Are the apps on both devices using the same version of CBL? - Yes same version (3.2.1)
Are you using only the default collection, or multiple collections? Do the databases on each device have the same collections configured? - I have a created one collection and used the same collection. Databases on each device have same collection (collection Name is User)
Did you remember to specify which collection(s) to replicate? - Yes, I have specified the collection in Replicator Config. Below is the code
val replicator = Replicator(
target = messageEndPoint,
collections = mapOf(db.collections to null),
type = ReplicatorType.PUSH_AND_PULL
Hi @krinyny thank you for your time to collect the logs. I found that in the ActivePeerLogs, there are BLIP messages, such as " SENDING: REQ #0", but in PassivePeerLogs, the logs ended without any BLIP messages. Can you double check the logs from the Passive Peer? Who does the Active Peer talk to?