Panic: unambiguous timeout | {"InnerError":{"InnerError":{"InnerError":{},"Message":"unambiguous

Hi we are getting below exceptions, Could you please help fix this.

panic: unambiguous timeout | {“InnerError”:{“InnerError”:{“InnerError”:{},“Message”:"unambiguous

{“level”:“error”,“msg”:“unambiguous timeout | {“InnerError”:{“InnerError”:{“InnerError”:{},“Message”:“unambiguous timeout”}},“OperationID”:“WaitUntilR │
│ panic: unambiguous timeout | {“InnerError”:{“InnerError”:{“InnerError”:{},“Message”:“unambiguous timeout”}},“OperationID”:“WaitUntilReady”,“Opaque”:””,"TimeObserve │
│ goroutine 1 [running]: │
│ [](, 0xc0005300b0, 0xc0001c9dd0) │
│ /home/jenkins/go/src/ +0x3da │
│ main.initDatabase(0x1a8ef80, 0xc0005300b0, 0xc0001c9ec8, 0x1) │
│ /home/jenkins/go/src/ +0x123 │
│ main.initService() │
│ /home/jenkins/go/src/ +0x333 │
│ main.main() │
│ /home/jenkins/go/src/ +0x76 │
│ stream closed

Hi @prasanpd it looks like the WaitUntilReady command is timing out which means that the SDK cannot connect to the cluster for some reason. If you enable logging (Logging | Couchbase Docs - gocb.VerboseStdioLogger() will give you the most information) then it should give you more information about what’s happening and why the SDK can’t connect.

Hi @chvck , Our go version is 2.1.6. Is WaitUntilReady applicable for this version as well ?

Also, in th UI i see this message.


Does it mean something ?

WaitUntilReady was introduced in version 2.1.0 so is applicable to 2.1.6. It’s an operation which you are calling in your code for the above error to contain “OperationID”:“WaitUntilReady”.

Hi @chvck . We enabled the logging you suggested but there is no change in the error logs and dont see any other information pointing to something.

Below is the snippet from logfile :

{“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Error occurred when retrieving username from vault.”,“time”:“2020-10-08T09:36:32Z”} │
│ panic: ErrCbUsernameKeyFailure │
│ goroutine 1 [running]: │
│ [](, 0xc0000ee0e8, 0xc00026a000, 0x0) │
│ /home/jenkins/go/src/ +0x2af │
│ [](, 0xc0000ee0e8, 0xc0001b7e08) │
│ /home/jenkins/go/src/ +0x169 │
│ main.initDatabase(0xaabfa0, 0xc0000ee0e8, 0xc00002604c, 0x6) │
│ /home/jenkins/go/src/ +0x123 │
│ main.initService() │
│ /home/jenkins/go/src/ +0x274 │
│ main.main() │
│ /home/jenkins/go/src/ +0x76 │
│ stream closed

Hi @prasanpd could you share a code snippet of how you setup the connection with the SDK and enabling logging? The logging output should appear in your stdout, how do you run your application?

@chvck I’m using go-sdk@2.4.1 with couchbase enterprise@7.0.3. I got the same error at the moment. I’m creating 3 nodes cluster on GCP those nodes reside in the same region and zone.

here is our connection string = couchbase://xx.xx.xx.70,xx.xx.xx.34.xx.xx.xx.253

here is our exception
unambiguous timeout | {“InnerError”:{“InnerError”:{“InnerError”:{},“Message”:“unambiguous timeout”}},“OperationID”:“WaitUntilReady”,“Opaque”:“”,“TimeObserved”:30004468042,“RetryReasons”:[“NOT_READY”,“CONNECTION_ERROR”],“RetryAttempts”:243,“LastDispatchedTo”:“”,“LastDispatchedFrom”:“”,“LastConnectionID”:“”}

Could anyone help with this problem?

here is parts of our log
GOCB 09:01:33.554960 cluster.go:259: SDK Version: gocbcore/v10.1.1
GOCB 09:01:33.555264 cluster.go:259: Creating new agent group: &{AgentConfig:{BucketName: UserAgent:gocb/v2.3.3 SeedConfig:{HTTPAddrs: MemdAddrs:[]} SecurityConfig:{UseTLS:false TLSRootCAProvider:0x100c24660 NoTLSSeedNode:false Auth:0x1400011bba0 AuthMechanisms:} CompressionConfig:{Enabled:false DisableDecompression:false MinSize:0 MinRatio:0} ConfigPollerConfig:{HTTPRedialPeriod:0s HTTPRetryDelay:0s HTTPMaxWait:0s CccpMaxWait:0s CccpPollPeriod:0s} IoConfig:{NetworkType: UseMutationTokens:true UseDurations:true UseOutOfOrderResponses:true DisableXErrorHello:false DisableJSONHello:false DisableSyncReplicationHello:false EnablePITRHello:false UseCollections:true} KVConfig:{ConnectTimeout:30s ServerWaitBackoff:0s PoolSize:0 MaxQueueSize:0 ConnectionBufferSize:0} HTTPConfig:{MaxIdleConns:0 MaxIdleConnsPerHost:0 IdleConnectionTimeout:0s} DefaultRetryStrategy:0x1400011ba70 CircuitBreakerConfig:{Enabled:true VolumeThreshold:0 ErrorThresholdPercentage:0 SleepWindow:0s RollingWindow:0s CompletionCallback: CanaryTimeout:0s} OrphanReporterConfig:{Enabled:true ReportInterval:0s SampleSize:0} TracerConfig:{Tracer:0x1400011ba90 NoRootTraceSpans:true} MeterConfig:{Meter:}}}
GOCB 09:01:33.555294 agentgroup.go:30: SDK Version: gocbcore/v10.1.1
GOCB 09:01:33.555335 agentgroup.go:30: Creating new agent: &{BucketName: UserAgent:gocb/v2.3.3 SeedConfig:{HTTPAddrs: MemdAddrs:[]} SecurityConfig:{UseTLS:false TLSRootCAProvider:0x100c24660 NoTLSSeedNode:false Auth:0x1400011bba0 AuthMechanisms:} CompressionConfig:{Enabled:false DisableDecompression:false MinSize:0 MinRatio:0} ConfigPollerConfig:{HTTPRedialPeriod:0s HTTPRetryDelay:0s HTTPMaxWait:0s CccpMaxWait:0s CccpPollPeriod:0s} IoConfig:{NetworkType: UseMutationTokens:true UseDurations:true UseOutOfOrderResponses:true DisableXErrorHello:false DisableJSONHello:false DisableSyncReplicationHello:false EnablePITRHello:false UseCollections:true} KVConfig:{ConnectTimeout:30s ServerWaitBackoff:0s PoolSize:0 MaxQueueSize:0 ConnectionBufferSize:0} HTTPConfig:{MaxIdleConns:0 MaxIdleConnsPerHost:0 IdleConnectionTimeout:0s} DefaultRetryStrategy:0x1400011ba70 CircuitBreakerConfig:{Enabled:true VolumeThreshold:0 ErrorThresholdPercentage:0 SleepWindow:0s RollingWindow:0s CompletionCallback: CanaryTimeout:0s} OrphanReporterConfig:{Enabled:true ReportInterval:0s SampleSize:0} TracerConfig:{Tracer:0x1400011ba90 NoRootTraceSpans:true} MeterConfig:{Meter:}}
GOCB 09:01:33.555449 agent.go:75: HTTP muxer applying endpoints:
Capi Eps:
Mgmt Eps:
N1ql Eps:
FTS Eps:
Eventing Eps:
GSI Eps:
Backup Eps:
GOCB 09:01:33.555454 agent.go:402: KV muxer applying endpoints:

    GOCB 09:01:33.555524 agentgroup.go:40: HTTP muxer applying endpoints:
    Capi Eps:
    Mgmt Eps:
    N1ql Eps:
    FTS Eps:
    CBAS Eps:
    Eventing Eps:
    GSI Eps:
    Backup Eps:
    GOCB 09:01:33.555610 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
    GOCB 09:01:33.555714 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
    GOCB 09:01:33.555728 ???:0: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
    GOCB 09:01:33.555712 asm_arm64.s:1133: CCCP Looper starting.
    GOCB 09:01:33.555748 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
    GOCB 09:01:33.555677 ???:0: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
    GOCB 09:01:33.555802 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
    GOCB 09:01:33.555900 ???:0: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
    GOCB 09:01:33.555908 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=1ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
    GOCB 09:01:33.555849 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=1ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
    GOCB 09:01:33.555789 ???:0: Pipeline Client preparing for new client loop
    GOCB 09:01:33.555921 ???:0: Pipeline Client retrieving new client connection for parent 0x1400013a4e0
    GOCB 09:01:33.555942 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=1ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
    GOCB 09:01:33.555795 ???:0: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
    GOCB 09:01:33.555982 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=100ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
    GOCB 09:01:33.557135 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
    GOCB 09:01:33.557145 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
    GOCB 09:01:33.557150 ???:0: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
    GOCB 09:01:33.557154 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
    GOCB 09:01:33.557146 ???:0: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
    GOCB 09:01:33.557161 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
    GOCB 09:01:33.557164 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
    GOCB 09:01:33.557168 ???:0: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
    GOCB 09:01:33.557171 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
    GOCB 09:01:33.590383 kvmux.go:669: Memdclient Fetching cluster client data
    GOCB 09:01:33.590533 memdclient.go:1142: Writing request. to OP=0x1f. Opaque=1
    GOCB 09:01:33.590585 memdclient.go:1142: Writing request. to OP=0xfe. Opaque=2
    GOCB 09:01:33.590601 memdclient.go:1142: Writing request. to OP=0x20. Opaque=3
    GOCB 09:01:33.590623 memdclient.go:1142: Writing request. to OP=0x21. Opaque=4
    GOCB 09:01:33.623743 ???:0: memdClient read failure on conn 7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d : EOF
    GOCB 09:01:33.624007 memdclient.go:1137: Memdclient Failed to fetch list auth mechs (EOF | {“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”})
    GOCB 09:01:33.624033 kvmux.go:669: Memdclient Failed to hello with server (EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”})
    GOCB 09:01:33.624053 ???:0: Pipeline Client 0x1400013a5a0 failed to bootstrap: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:33.624058 ???:0: Pipeline Client preparing for new client loop
    GOCB 09:01:33.624064 ???:0: Pipeline Client retrieving new client connection for parent 0x1400013a4e0
    GOCB 09:01:33.658079 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:33.658107 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=128ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:33.790726 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:33.790790 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=256ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:34.051958 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:34.052060 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:34.058069 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:34.058127 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:34.554246 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:34.554373 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:34.558047 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:34.558130 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:34.558253 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:34.558297 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:34.558332 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:34.558351 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:35.059619 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:35.059725 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:35.059755 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:35.059799 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:35.059834 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:35.059864 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:35.059892 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:35.060190 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:35.561897 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:35.562014 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:35.562053 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:35.562149 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:35.562468 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:35.562505 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:35.562017 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:35.562522 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:36.063340 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:36.063525 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:36.063576 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:36.063595 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:36.063621 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:36.063646 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:36.063689 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:36.063926 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:36.556560 cccpcfgcontroller.go:127: CCCPPOLL: Failed to retrieve CCCP config. EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:36.556640 asm_arm64.s:1133: CCCPPOLL: Failed to retrieve config from any node.
    GOCB 09:01:36.564469 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:36.564550 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:36.564583 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:36.564593 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:36.564606 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:36.564914 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:36.564940 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:36.564950 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:37.065731 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:37.065819 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:37.065860 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:37.065870 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:37.065883 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:37.065892 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:37.065914 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:37.066178 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:37.566709 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:37.566760 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:37.566789 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:37.566799 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:37.566814 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:37.566835 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:37.566849 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:37.567078 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:38.068453 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:38.068551 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:38.068563 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:38.068587 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:38.068606 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:38.068626 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR
    GOCB 09:01:38.068645 ???:0: Bootstrap error found before config seen: EOF | {“document_key”:“{"a":"gocbcore/v10.1.1 gocb/v2.3.3","i":"7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d"}”,“last_dispatched_to”:“”,“last_dispatched_from”:“”,“last_connection_id”:“7e64a2573beeb86f/5e9a90fef764425d”}
    GOCB 09:01:38.068847 asm_arm64.s:1133: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=CONNECTION_ERROR

Hi @Nuttipong_Taechasang it looks like the SDK is totally unable to connect to your cluster, and looking at the logs it looks like it’s trying to connect to port 18091 via KV. Port 18091 is typically the secure management port, which is HTTP so that won’t work.
The logs show the addresses that the SDK is attempting to connect to as MemdAddrs:[] which is where the 18091 is coming from.

When you create your connection string are you including port 18091 as a part of it?

thanks for the fast response. Exactly SDK cannot connect to the Cluster. To be honest - where is 18091 port come from, and I didn’t prefer to use SSL at this time but somehow as you can see from the log. I didn’t set up anything though.

The way that I created my cluster and connect to the cluster is very simple as following below

  1. Create cluster
    ./couchbase-cli cluster-init -c
    –cluster-username xxx
    –cluster-password xxx
    –services data,index,query
    –cluster-ramsize 512
    –cluster-index-ramsize 256
  2. Add node 2 and 3 with same port and difference ip
    ./couchbase-cli server-add -c ${public_ip}:8091
    –username xxx
    –password xxx
    –server-add ${private_ip}
    –server-add-username xxx
    –server-add-password xxx
    –group-name “${group_name}”
    –services data,index,query
  3. use Go-SDK to connect my cluster then get the error above

opts := gocb.ClusterOptions{
Username: “xxx”,
Password: “xxx”,
TimeoutsConfig: gocb.TimeoutsConfig{
ConnectTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
cluster, err = cb.Connect(“couchbase://xx.xx.xx.70,xx.xx.xx.34.xx.xx.xx.253”, opts)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(“Cannot connecting to cluster:”, err)
return nil, nil, err
err = cluster.WaitUntilReady(5time.Second, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(“Cluster is not ready:”, err)
return nil, nil, err
bucket = cluster.Bucket(“travel-sample”)
err = bucket.WaitUntilReady(5
time.Second, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(“Bucket is not ready”, err)
return nil, nil, err
return cluster, bucket, nil

I try hard to research and still have not found the answer and reason why this happened.
Any advice for me?

add one more piece of information. I am able to connect with a single instance but multi nodes still cannot.

“couchbase://xx.xx.xx.70" is work for me but “couchbase://xx.xx.xx.70,xx.xx.xx.34.xx.xx.xx.253" still have an error above.

Hi @Nuttipong_Taechasang your connection string looks like it has a typo "couchbase://xx.xx.xx.70,xx.xx.xx.34.xx.xx.xx.253” should probably be "couchbase://xx.xx.xx.70,xx.xx.xx.34,xx.xx.xx.253”. Although how that’s resulting in only xx.xx.xx.70:18091 getting passed through I’m currently not sure about.

@Nuttipong_Taechasang - port 18091 is the SSL/TLS port for connecting to Couchbase and using TLS is a requirement for connecting to Capella whereas it can be disabled for connecting directly to a Couchbase Server.

In addition to @chvck mention of a typo, you can also use couchbases:// (note the s at the end as in https) to denote a TLS connection.

If you’re still seeing a timeout issue connecting to Capella then I would encourage you to double-check your “allowed IP” list. You can use to allow any IP to connect but this is definitely insecure and not recommended for a production environment.

Finally, you could also use our SDK Doctor as a way of validating connectivity from wherever you are running your application.

Hi Perry, thanks for your suggestion. Sorry for my mistake about typo but my actual code is valid this is just a copy mistake on the reply.

My intention is connecting with insecure mode, so how can I disable TLS one?

Here is my use case,
I’m currently not using Capella one. I’ve been created a Couchbase cluster with bare metal on my own over the GCP by 3 nodes cluster in the same region and zone.


SDK Doctor result.

./sdk-doctor diagnose couchbase://,, -u xxx -p xxx
| ___ ___ _ __ ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ ___ |
| / | | |/ /| \ / _ \ / | / _ | _ \ |
| _
\ |) | ’ <
| |) | () | (_ | || () | / |
| |
//||_\ |/ _/ _| || __/||_\ |
| |

Note: Diagnostics can only provide accurate results when your cluster
is in a stable state. Active rebalancing and other cluster configuration
changes can cause the output of the doctor to be inconsistent or in the
worst cases, completely incorrect.

19:56:22.033 INFO :arrow_forward: Parsing connection string couchbase://,,
19:56:22.034 INFO :arrow_forward: Connection string identifies the following CCCP endpoints:
19:56:22.034 INFO :arrow_forward: 1.
19:56:22.034 INFO :arrow_forward: 2.
19:56:22.034 INFO :arrow_forward: 3.
19:56:22.034 INFO :arrow_forward: Connection string identifies the following HTTP endpoints:
19:56:22.034 INFO :arrow_forward: 1.
19:56:22.034 INFO :arrow_forward: 2.
19:56:22.034 INFO :arrow_forward: 3.
19:56:22.034 INFO :arrow_forward: Connection string specifies bucket default
19:56:22.034 INFO :arrow_forward: Performing DNS lookup for host
19:56:22.034 INFO :arrow_forward: Performing DNS lookup for host
19:56:22.034 INFO :arrow_forward: Performing DNS lookup for host
19:56:22.034 INFO :arrow_forward: Attempting to connect to cluster via CCCP
19:56:22.034 INFO :arrow_forward: Attempting to fetch config via cccp from
19:56:22.179 ERRO :arrow_forward: Failed to fetch configuration via cccp from (error: EOF)
19:56:22.179 INFO :arrow_forward: Attempting to fetch config via cccp from
19:56:22.326 ERRO :arrow_forward: Failed to fetch configuration via cccp from (error: EOF)
19:56:22.326 INFO :arrow_forward: Attempting to fetch config via cccp from
19:56:22.463 ERRO :arrow_forward: Failed to fetch configuration via cccp from (error: EOF)
19:56:22.463 INFO :arrow_forward: Attempting to connect to cluster via HTTP (Terse)
19:56:22.463 INFO :arrow_forward: Attempting to fetch terse config via http from
19:56:22.540 ERRO :arrow_forward: Failed to fetch terse configuration via http from (error: http error (status code: 404))
19:56:22.540 INFO :arrow_forward: Attempting to fetch terse config via http from
19:56:22.613 ERRO :arrow_forward: Failed to fetch terse configuration via http from (error: http error (status code: 404))
19:56:22.613 INFO :arrow_forward: Attempting to fetch terse config via http from
19:56:22.690 ERRO :arrow_forward: Failed to fetch terse configuration via http from (error: http error (status code: 404))
19:56:22.690 INFO :arrow_forward: Attempting to connect to cluster via HTTP (Full)
19:56:22.690 INFO :arrow_forward: Failed to connect via HTTP (Full), as it is not yet supported by the doctor
19:56:22.690 INFO :arrow_forward: Selected the following network type:
19:56:22.690 ERRO :arrow_forward: All endpoints specified by your connection string were unreachable, further cluster diagnostics are not possible
19:56:22.690 INFO :arrow_forward: Diagnostics completed

[ERRO] Failed to fetch configuration via cccp from (error: EOF)
[ERRO] Failed to fetch configuration via cccp from (error: EOF)
[ERRO] Failed to fetch configuration via cccp from (error: EOF)
[ERRO] Failed to fetch terse configuration via http from (error: http error (status code: 404))
[ERRO] Failed to fetch terse configuration via http from (error: http error (status code: 404))
[ERRO] Failed to fetch terse configuration via http from (error: http error (status code: 404))
[ERRO] All endpoints specified by your connection string were unreachable, further cluster diagnostics are not possible

Understood @Nuttipong_Taechasang, thanks for that clarification.

Just to confirm - you are able to successfully connect when using just xx.xx.xx.70 in your connection string but not when you have the others added?

Another common situation we see is when trying to connect to a cloud provider from outside their network. The problem is that cloud instances often have different IP addresses inside than they do outside, and so when a Couchbase SDK tries to connect it gets the inside addresses and is unable to reach them. This can be worked around by using our alternate address feature, but you might also want to try connecting from within the same virtual network as your Couchbase cluster is running (which is what you’d want to do for the best performance anyway)


From the logs you just posted, it looks like there is some connection issue between wherever you are running the sdk doctor and the Couchbase nodes. Can you confirm that the necessary firewall and ports are open?

  • I’m allowing all TCP ports now.
  • I’m running SDK docker on my Mac.

Just wondering on the Coucbase cluster have to add nodes with the public IP is required?


Here is the SDK docter log from what I tried with a single node in this case I’m able to connect the cluster properly.

[WARN] Your connection string specifies only a single host. You should consider adding additional static nodes from your cluster to this list to improve your applications fault-tolerance
[ERRO] Failed to fetch configuration via cccp from (error: EOF)
[ERRO] Failed to fetch terse configuration via http from (error: http error (status code: 404))
[ERRO] All endpoints specified by your connection string were unreachable, further cluster diagnostics are not possible

Ahh ok, so that confirms what I was referring to with the alternate address:

When a Couchbase SDK instance connects to that cluster, it is connecting over a public IP address but is getting told about the nodes of the cluster via their private addresses (the nodes themselves don’t know their public address). When the SDK gets told about those nodes, it is then unable to connect to them because it can’t reach the internal network from outside.

So - you either need to map the public address onto each node (via the alternate address feature) OR you need to connect to the cluster from within the Cloud provider. I would strongly recommend this one as the performance will be much better.

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