Performance and design issue


I have a doubt about subdocuments:

I have the following document:

Document A:

    "id" : "1",
    "name" : "a",
    "words" : [
         "id" : "es_ES-info",
          "value": "Informacion 
         "id" : "en_US-info",
          "value": "Information
         "id" : "fr_FR-info",
          "value": "Information
         .... //25 locales are supported
    "id" : "2",
    "name" : "b",
    "words" : [
         "id" : "es_ES-contact",
          "value": "Contacto
         "id" : "en_US-contact",
          "value": "Contact
         "id" : "fr_FR-contact",
          "value": "Contact
         .... //25 locales are supported

¿Should I create 25 subdocuments for each document or create a different document with the differente value and then join it with nql? Each subdocument is different between all subdocuments, thus, there will be no duplicate subdocuments.

I think subdocuments is a good aproach but maybe could be very low when the data will be loaded by n1ql.
I’ll cache data using locale as key but I have doubt about the performance of the query at first time.