I have a problem with my app. I use a web server and a couchbase server (community 4.5).
In my app, when I do a get or upsert, it’s work. But when I do a query on my bucket I have an error:
LCB_CONNECT_ERROR: Error while establishing TCP connection. Enable detailed error codes (via LCB_CNTL_DETAILED_ERRCODES, or via `detailed_errcodes` in the connection string) and/or enable logging to get more information
This is my code :
I change port 8091 to 8080 in static_config file.
When I do a cbq query, I connect to @IP:8080 and it’s work.
I don’t have any ideas to do my query on my php app
php client does not use moxi, it connects to couchbase nodes directly, so you have to make at least ports 8091, 11210 and 8093 accessible for the client PHP process.