I am having an issue using the PHP SKD 2.0 to query a view.
I have connected to the couchbase cluster.
$this->couchConnection = new \CouchbaseCluster(yada yada yada);
$this->couchBucket = $this->couchConnection->openBucket(bucketname);
This works fine, I can perform get, set, upsert and remove quite easily on the documents in this bucket.
However, if I then try to perform a query like the following code…
$this->couchBucket->query(\CouchbaseViewQuery::from($document, $view));
The error occurs.
Undefined property: _CouchbaseDefaultViewQuery::$view
I have split apart the \CouchbaseViewQuery::from($document, $view) part and it creates what it is meant to fine, the issue seems to be there is something wrong with the ->query, I get the same result I believe when I use the ->_view function.
When I query the REST api to use the same views it works as expected.
Any help here would be great cause I would rather go into production using the SDK than cURL requests.