Hi guys!
We are developing a mobile RPG game in Unity. Our content DB is 1500+ items long. Each item has texture,mesh,sound and other GO links(ids) and params. Also we have player profiles, achievements, quests, etc. regular RPG Game DB other words. Is it a good idea to use Couchbase as DB solution that will allow us:
- Push content updates. Something like DB sync using something like “diff”
- Work completely offline out of the box (pre-populated cache or something) OR work offline after single start-up sync. ?
Parse.com has Unity plugin but they don’t get the point of the offline gaming. They don’t have any way to store local DB “clone”. https://www.parse.com/apps/quickstart#unity/existing
Unity is #1 framework for mobile games. Nobody now even thinks of creating native apps because you can develop and publish crossplatform in just couple clicks. Each game needs a database!