If you need results either of the value matched only way is use OR CLAUSE.
create index ix1 on StorageWarehouse (store.id);
create index ix2 on StorageWarehouse (store.pin);
SELECT meta().id as keyId, store.id as store_id, store.pin as store_pin
FROM StorageWarehouse AS s
WHERE store.id="123" OR store.pin ="456";
create index ix1 on StorageWarehouse (store.id, store.pin);
create index ix2 on StorageWarehouse (store.pin, store.id);
SELECT meta().id as keyId, store.id as store_id, store.pin as store_pin
FROM StorageWarehouse AS s
WHERE store.id="123"
SELECT meta().id as keyId, store.id as store_id, store.pin as store_pin
FROM StorageWarehouse AS s
WHERE store.pin ="456";