Pooled socket is dead. Continuing to next one In Couchbase 7 and SDK 3.2

I am wondering what causes the Pooled socked to be dead. This seems to be happen more since i upgraded to Couchbase 7 and to SDK 3.2. When i run a long process that has 1000 of query’s and
doc upsets i get these in my console every 10 to 30 transactions

[cb,WARN] (lcbio_mgr L:483 I:3164893292) xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8093 (HE=0x558f0d39a900) Pooled socket is dead. Continuing to next one

Here is what my Couchbase class looks like

class Couchbase
    protected $bucketName;
    protected $authenticator;
    protected $cluster;

    public $bucket;

    public function __construct($bucketName = 'rets', $username = 'Administrator', $password = 'password', $clusterAddress = "couchbase://xxx.xxx.xxx.80,xxx.xxx.xxx.81,xxx.xxx.xxx.82,xxx.xxx.xxx.83")

        $this->authenticateBucket($username, $password, $clusterAddress)

    public function authenticateBucket($username = '', $password = '', $clusterAddress = '')
        $options = new ClusterOptions();
        $options->credentials($username, $password);
        $this->cluster = new Couchbase\Cluster($clusterAddress,$options);

        return $this;

    public function openBucket($bucketName = '')
        $this-> bucketName = $bucketName;
        $this->bucket =  $this->cluster->bucket($bucketName);
        $this->collection = $this->bucket->defaultCollection();