Hi All,
I am trying to insert document with the help of Curl command but facing the following issue.
“requestID”: “7531f11a-c597-4fc5-ad48-XXXXXXX”,
“errors”: [{“code”:1065,“msg”:“Unrecognized parameter in request: {“name”:“name”,“Price”:“Price”}”}],
“status”: “fatal”,
“metrics”: {“elapsedTime”: “65.773µs”,“executionTime”: “65.549µs”,“resultCount”: 0,“resultSize”: 0,“errorCount”: 1}
Yes, we have a cbimport tool to direct load json documents into couchbase. However, it is not a curl interface, but a command line binary included with Couchbase. Documentation here.
cbdocloader is another tool you can explore for inserting json doc files.
You can also load documents using a N1QL query with the CURL() function. But the data needs to be hosted somewhere (it doesnt allow loading data from files, only the http, https protocols are supported not file:// ).
Is cbimport tool available also as a client ? (like SqL Server or Oracle DB client)
I would like to perform import from a file on my Windows machine towards a minikube Couchbase