Pouchdb to Capella App Services Connection

Has anyone successfully connected PouchDB directly to a Capella endpoint? I’m trying to set this up, but I keep running into CORS issues.

I followed the official guidelines, and everything works fine with a self-hosted Sync Gateway. However, when I attempt to sync PouchDB with Capella, the connection is blocked due to CORS restrictions. I’ve already tried configuring the correct origins and login settings, but the issue persists.

Is it even possible to connect PouchDB directly to Capella? If so, how should CORS and the connection be properly set up? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

const localDB = new PouchDB(‘pouch_local_2024’);
const remoteDB = new PouchDB(‘my_capella connection string’
, {
auth: { username: ‘username’, password: ‘my_password’ }

Hi Felix,

I’ve been to locate your config and I can see that the CORS settings have been correctly applied. If you’re getting CORS errors I’d suggest double checking the settings you’ve applied.

We do have people using PouchDB with Capella so this should be possible.